
President Trump Gives Up His Salary, Uses Money and Cuts a Check To Park Service

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President Donald Trump has donated the first quarter of his presidential salary to the Department of the Interior to help fund the National Parks.

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke joined White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer who gave the check to Zinke, displaying it on a digital screen in the briefing room.

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Zinke said that the additional funds would help maintain infrastructure of some of the national battlefield sites.

“We’re about $100 million or $229 million behind in deferred maintenance on our battlefields alone and that’s on our 25 national battlefields,” he said.  “We’re excited about that opportunity.”

According to Spicer the check, that was made out for $78,333 was “every penny” that Trump received since his inauguration as president.

“The Park Service has cared for our parks since 1916, and the president is personally proud to contribute the first quarter of his salary to the important mission of the Park Service,” Spicer said.

(via: Breitbart)

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