
Montana Becomes First State To BAN Sharia Law – It’s OUTLAWED!

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Republicans from Montana fought to prohibit Sharia Law bill, and they won! Senate Bill 97, which bans Sharia Law from their state, passed in a straight party line vote of 56-44.

Montana Democrats who were against passing this bill claimed that it targeted Muslims. All of their arguments were struck down by GOP state representatives that noted the legislation merely reinforced the Montana state and United States Constitutions.

Considering the increasing number of reports of Muslims around our nation using Sharia Law as an excuse and defense for the vile and brutal charges pressed against them, this bill should be passed in every single state.

“As far as being determined xenophobic, that’s an insult,” said Republican Montana State Representative Brad Tschida. “I’m not intolerant. This is not anti-Muslim.”

Sharia law allows stoning as a punishment, mutilation of rape victims and women accused of adultery, as well as slaughter of gay citizens. Also, according to this law, women and people from other religions are viewed as less than Muslims, upholding a warped and dangerous mindset.

This is why we will not allow Sharia law to take root in our nation, and Americans will not be governed or let others be governed by any foreign law, and especially not Sharia Law.

Illegals are already enjoying a lot of advantage of American taxpayers and laws, and they have have no intention of ‘returning the favor’. This Sharia Law insanity needs to be shut down before refugees start feeling like they can get away with everything by permanently altering our culture, laws and society!

(via: UConservative)

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