
BREAKING: FOX News Close To FIRING Sean Hannity — Asking For Fan’s Support

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Throughout the presidential election, the mainstream media was convinced that Hillary Clinton was going to win. Many Republican leaders were ready to throw in the towel. Sean Hannity—on the other hand—stood firm in his support of Donald Trump.

This week, reports surfaced that some Fox News executives were outraged that Hannity refused to say that Clinton would beat Trump. At one point, they even considered firing him.

“As most of the publications themselves clearly state, the sample obviously can’t be representative of the electorate because they only reflect views of those Internet users who have chosen to participate,” said executive Dana Blanton. “Another problem—we know some campaigns/groups of supporters encourage people to vote in online polls and flood the results. These quickie click items do not meet our editorial standards.”

“You’ve got this list of polls, Donald Trump wins,” Hannity said.

“The online polls show you guys won in overwhelming margins,” Brian Kilmeade added.

(via: Donald Trump News)

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