
No Oscars For Trump Family – Melania To Host Her First Gala At White House on Sunday

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First Lady Melania Trump is going to host her first White House event and it will be competing with Hollywood’s famed Oscars event.

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer reported that the White House will sponsor the Governor’s Ball on Sunday night, February 26. The gala event is part of the National Governors Association’s winter meeting, according to The Daily Mail.

“Mrs. Trump looks forward to putting on a phenomenal event” Spicer said on Wednesday. “And the first lady’s put a lot of time into this event that’s going to occur, welcoming our nation’s governors to the capital and I have a feeling that that’s where the president and the first lady are going to be focused on, on Sunday night.”

During the White House presser, Spicer was asked about the animosity Hollywood seems to have for President Trump, specifically citing the attacks leveled by actress Meryl Streep.

“I have no idea, it’s a free country,” Spicer said. “I think Hollywood is known for being rather far to the left in its opinion.”

Kellyanne Conway was reportedly sitting nearby when Spicer was asked the question and had a noteworthy reaction.

But before that, the president had a few words for lefty Hollywood.

On Twitter , Trump said, “Meryl Streep, one of the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn’t know me but attacked last night at the Golden Globe.”

Donald Trump isn’t really alone with his feelings about the Oscars. The American people — the ostensible customers for Hollywood’s products — are also getting sick and tired of Hollywood’s left-wing antics.

A few recent polls have shown that many Americans are getting over their interest in the Oscars.

A THR and National Research Group poll found, perhaps unsurprisingly, that Trump voters and Clinton voters want very different things from the Oscars.

The poll found that 44 percent of Trump voters think the Oscars are “too political.” But Clinton supporters think they aren’t political enough with 43 percent saying they want the speeches to be more political (while only 8 percent of Trump voters want the speeches to get political).

Fully 68 percent of Trump voters say they dislike the Oscars while only 23 percent of Clinton voters say the same.

The same poll found another interesting point that does not bode well for Hollywood. A whopping 60 percent couldn’t name a single best picture nominee. Looks like Hollywood jsut doesn’t hold the same sway as it used to.

(via: BizPac Review)

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