
[VIDEO] More Than 200 Inauguration Day Protestors Are Facing Felony Rioting Charges!

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Here is video from Rebel Media I had not seen before. The riots on President Trump’s inauguration day were a LOT more violent than I thought. The Washington Post says that 230 were arrested… NBC says 209. These are members of Antifa – anti-fascists, who in fact act like fascists themselves. They now face a $25,000 fine and up to 10 years in prison. They destroyed and looted businesses… they hurt people and attacked police officers. Several had to go to a hospital themselves. Over 200 were just indicted and I hope they throw the book at them.

This looks more like Europe than the US. These are anarchists and radical communists. Many are kids are that are being used as useful idiots against Trump. After looking at this video, I would say they are armed and pretty fearless. I would also wager that this is only the beginning of this chaos and rioting in the streets. You have the right to peaceful assembly, but not to this. This is sheer violence for the sake of it. They are charged with felony rioting and under a police-friendly presidency, they can expect to get exactly what they ask for.


From Young Conservatives:

Radically anti-American protesters who took to the streets on the day of Donald Trump’s inauguration were told they’d be in big trouble.

Many were looking at $25,000 fines and up to 10 years in prison.

Today, over 200 protesters have been indicted.


From Daily Wire:

NBC News has reported that 209 people have thus far been indicted over felony rioting charges, meaning they face a fine of up to $25,000 and a maximum of 10 years in prison.

The Washington Post reported that 230 people were arrested during President Donald Trump’s inauguration on January 20, with several cases being subsequently dismissed.

Here’s some video of the “protests” to jog your memory…

Does anybody here object to a $25,000 fine for these nutjobs? How about 10 years in prison for causing damage to public property and disrupting the peace?

Federal investigators are still reviewing hundreds of hours of video. A great deal of it was taken by undercover DC police officers during the riots and protests. The local police were wearing body cams while on duty during the unrest. Defense attorneys for the accused have said that many of their clients are college students who live outside of the Washington, DC, Maryland or Virginia areas. In other words, they were bused in or were called together to come to DC for the riot.

Twelve cases have been dismissed, but 209 were just indicted by a grand jury. Local, state and federal law enforcement agencies provided 3,000 officers and were supported by 5,000 National Guard members and police officers in patrolling the streets during President Donald Trump’s inauguration ceremony. But that didn’t stop rioters from clashing with police. The final confrontation led to the arrests of more than 200 people near Franklin Square, about a mile and a half from Capitol Hill. Four businesses were vandalized and sustained “significant damage,” demonstrators lit a limousine on fire and six police officers suffered minor injuries after protesters set fires and threw rocks, bricks, trash cans and other small objects, according to Acting Police Chief Peter Newsham. In response, Newsham confirmed, law enforcement officers used flash-bangs and pepper spray to suppress the crowds.

Every one of these radicals deserves to be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. That is what should have happened at UC Berkeley and didn’t. This is the American Spring and it has finally arrived.

(via: Right Wing News)

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