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Justice Department Officially Begins DESTROYING Obama’s Transgender Bathroom Rules

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Now that Jeff Sessions has officially been confirmed as Attorney General, he can begin using the Justice Department for good.

The DoJ’s first order of business? Begin completely dismantling the transgender bathrooms rules that were put in place by the Obama administration.

These rules have made many people uncomfortable, from adult women who feared for their safety while using a public restroom to teenagers who don’t feel comfortable with the vague guidelines surrounding who is and isn’t allowed to see them change in the locker room.

They may not have to worry about that much longer, and the DoJ is set to engage in a massive rollback in the rules that made it possible for boys to claim they identify as girls and receiving access to women in vulnerable situations.

Mara Keisling is the executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, and is completely opposed to the moves that the Justice Department is making to reverse all of the “progress” made under the Obama administration. She spoke to The Huffington Post regarding the matter.

“We saw this coming, and it’s not a surprise, but the Trump administration is a mess. They take on the people they perceive as the weakest first. I don’t think they understand how strong we are.”

The then engaged in ridiculous fear-mongering by claiming that “we can expect to see the Justice Department say that they don’t want to enforce Title IX for all.”

It’s interesting to see progressive liberals claim that women are objectified too much by “the patriarchy” but celebrate laws signed into effect by a man that gives men the option of following them into the bathroom or locker room, and they celebrate it.

You really can’t have it both ways.

(via: The Federalist Papers)

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