
Courts Officially Rule That CNN is FAKE NEWS

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A CEO of a medical center has just won his case against CNN and the judge has ruled CNN falsely reported the facts once again.

Angry Patriot Movement reported:

Everyone keeps using the word “conspiracy” regarding Trump and the media, but a judge may have just put an end to that rhetoric with a massive ruling that gives Trump’s claims of fake news a LOT more credibility.

Judge Orinda Evans, of the Federal District Court, said, in her 18 page order on the case, “The Court finds these allegations sufficient to establish that CNN was acting recklessly with regard to the accuracy of its report, i.e., with ‘actual malice,’” via Law Newz. David Carbone, formerly the CEO of St. Mary’s Medical Center, located in West Palm Beach, Florida, is behind the lawsuit against CNN. They claimed, allegedly falsely, that the infant mortality rate in one of the hospital’s surgery programs was three times the nation’s average.

Obviously, such news would be very concerning to expecting parents who were considering the hospital for their child’s birth. As a result of CNN’s story, the hospital’s pediatric cardiothoracic surgery program was shut down, and Carbone also lost his job. None of this was due to a recommendation by any agency or medical authority but merely because no parents were interested in the services of a program which was, according to the CNN report, very unlikely to save their children’s lives. The hospital has decided to invest in other areas of medicine, but that doesn’t make CNN‘s allegations okay. Carbone argues that CNN intentionally lied about the infant mortality program associated with the hospital.

According to Carbone, they also did not give any positive information about the program L. Lin Wood, Carbone’s attorney, has said that CNN‘s story does fit the description of “fake news.” Wood also added, “False and defamatory accusations against real people have serious consequences. Neither St. Mary’s or Mr. Carbone did anything to deserve being the objects of the heinous accusation that they harmed or put babies and young children at risk for profit.”

(via: Red State Watcher)

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