
Why Trump Isn’t Sweating The Judge Overturning His Travel Ban

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While President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania took a break to Mar-a-Largo today for a charity event, liberals found a SNEAKY to end his executive order banning people from terror compromised countries from entering the United States.

US District Judge James Robart in Seattle, Washington today ruled against government lawyers’ claims that the states did not have the standing to challenge Trump’s order and said they showed their case was likely to succeed.

Judge Robart officially suspended Trump’s immigration order for the time being.

The judge’s official claim read, “The state has met its burden in demonstrating immediate and irreparable injury.”

This ruling follows a week’s worth of massive protests and lawsuits over the travel ban.The State Department said it has officially rejected 60,000 visas in the last week.

Donald Trump has not yet responded to the Judge’s ruling, but there is little doubt that he will cut his break short to go deal with this personally.

Let’s show Trump he has our support by sharing this everywhere!

(via: Liberty Writers News)

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