
Left Wing Group Plans Obnoxious Display At Inauguration Ceremony

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The CODEPINK left-wing activist organization is planning “audacious and creative, colorful protests” targeting the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump on Friday, Ariel Gold, CODEPINK’s campaign director, told Breitbart News in an interview.
Further asked whether CodePink will attempt to disrupt the inauguration, a tactic for which her organization has become infamous, Gold replied:

“We always create beautiful disruptions of hatred and violence. And that is what we are committed to as an organization and that is something that we have done from the start. And it is something that we will continue to do. And that is because we support life and health and health care and safety for all human beings.”

CODEPINK yesterday distributed a press release with the organization’s inauguration protest schedule. The agenda includes a “pussy hat distribution,” referring to support for the Pussyhat Project, which seeks to get women to wear knitted pink caps with cat ears to protest Trump.

Also on the CODEPINK agenda is a protest against Trump’s Make America Great Again! Welcome Celebration Concert at the Lincoln Memorial and an event against what CODEPINK is calling “the Fascist Alt-Right ‘Deploraball’” – referring to a pro-Trump inauguration party at the National Press Club.

Gold told Breitbart News that CODEPINK will be joining the news-making DisruptJ20 anti-Trump inauguration coalition for a march as well as for other select events, “but we are also very much bringing our own flavor and loving resistance.”

She stated, “We will be bringing as we always do audacious and creative, colorful protests to the inauguration of Donald J. Trump. And we will be doing so to contrast the hate that he put forth through his run for the presidency and has continued as he has been the President-elect. So, we will really be countering that with a beautiful resistance of love and putting forth the kind of world that we all want to live in. Which is one where we build bridges rather than walls. And we support refugees and immigrants. And promote tolerance rather than division and racism.”

Listen to the full interview here:

Asked if she was troubled by reports that DisruptJ20 may be planning actions that go beyond the rule of law, Gold replied, “If we are going to talk about the rule of law, I really would like to talk about how Trump’s presidency and inauguration is beyond the rule of both U.S. law, international law as well as the law of humanity.”

This reporter inquired how Trump’s election is “against U.S. law if Trump if was legally elected in a legal election. Elected then by the Electoral College. Then certified. So how is it against the law?”

Gold retorted, “I really want to begin by saying that Trump was not elected by the people. And that the majority of the people do not support Trump here in America. But I wasn’t actually speaking about that. I was speaking about the promotion of hatred and the intent to go back (on) civil rights as being in opposition to current U.S. law that we have.”

Claiming the group stands for the vast majority of Americans, DisruptJ20 calls itself the “start of the resistance. We must take to the streets and protest, blockade, disrupt, intervene, sit in, walk out, rise up, and make more noise and good trouble than the establishment can bear. The parade must be stopped.”

DisruptJ20 is planning a slew of actions aimed, as the group relates, at “disrupting the ceremonies.” According to the website, those actions include “spontaneous, unpermitted events,” an “unpermitted, anticapitalist march,” civil disobedience and disruption plans.

CODEPINK, meanwhile, has a history of infiltrating and briefly disrupting events, including the confirmation hearing for CIA Director John Brennan; a Senate hearing at which Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel was testifying about the threat posed by the Islamic State; Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s 2011 address to Congress, and many others.

(via: Breitbart)

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