
SHOCK REPORT: Obama SCANDAL EXPLODES Over ‘Shameful’ Backroom UN Deal

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Wow – if this is true, then the Obama administration could very well be guilty of treasonous behavior.

An Israeli source just announced a massively shocking revelation about something Team Obama did with the Palestinians and really, liberals need to be running and hiding right now.

All we can say is: Good thing Obama’s leaving and Donald Trump’s coming in. The bottom line is that no matter how you slice it, just about everything our current and soon-to-be-former president did now seems backhanded, slimy and even, in some extreme cases, criminal.

Check this out, from Breitbart:

“The Obama administration secretly worked with the Palestinian Authority to craft a ‘shameful’ United Nations resolution behind Israel’s back, an Israeli official told reporters on Friday.”

Apparently, an unnamed Israeli authority told Breitbart, as well as Reuters and the Associated Press, by email, that Obama himself, along with Secretary of State John Kerry, had a hand in making this resolution at the United Nations the called on Israel to stop settlement builds.

The email read, in part:

“The US administration secretly cooked up with the Palestinians an extreme anti Israeli resolution behind Israel’s back which would be a tailwind for terror and boycotts and effectively make the Western Wall occupied Palestinian territory. President Obama could declare his willingness to veto this resolution in an instant but instead is pushing it. This is an abandonment of Israel which breaks decades of US policy of protecting Israel at the UN and undermines the prospects of working with the next administration of advancing peace.”

The Obama administration has denied the claim.

But of course they would. At the same time, it’s no secret Obama has maintained cool relations with Israel, and with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in particular, his entire near-eight years of administration.

The resolution the United Nations put forth referred to the West Bank and eastern sections of Jerusalem as “Palestinian territory since 1967,” despite the fact the Palestinians never maintained a state in these areas. The resolution also says Israel’s settlements of those properties are violations of international law and obstacles to the two-state solution for peace, and demands the Jewish state to cease builds.

Obama failed to vote on the resolution, which in effect, allowed it to pass.

And the president’s denial of back-door involvement didn’t sit well with the Israelis, including Bibi, who sent out a harsh statement.

“‘We have rather ironclad information from sources in both the Arab world and internationally that this was a deliberate push by the United States and in fact they helped create the resolution in the first place,’ David Keyes, spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, said on Fox News’ ‘America’s News HQ.’”

Netanyahu, meanwhile, also described the Obama administration’s failure to vote on the resolution a “shameful ambush.” Trump has also denounced the move and rightly so.

Source: Breitbart

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