
Trump Announces Possible Private Healthcare Options For Veterans

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One of the main issues President-elect Donald Trump vowed to correct during his campaign for the presidency was the treatment of our veterans and their access to adequate health care.

Recently-announced plans for reforming the Department of Veterans Affairs would help fulfill that promise, as this would allow our country’s heroes to seek private health care options, according to The Wall Street Journal..

Under the new system, veterans would be allowed to bypass the VA health care system completely in favor of using private-sector hospitals and clinics, a transition official explained.

The announcement came after Trump met with several executives of private hospital systems at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida, on Wednesday, The New York Times reported.

Under his plan, veterans could obtain full control over their health care choices, instead of being forced to use the VA, which has largely let them down in recent years. But for those veterans who want to continue using the VA for their health care needs, they would still be allowed to do so.

While this “public-private option” would give our veterans more options, it would stop short of complete privatization, a Trump aide told reporters, according to WGFL.

However, the aide did not give any specific details about how the plans would work or how much they would cost, and he simply referred to the plan as one of the “options” currently on the table.

“Definitely an option on the table (is) to have a system where potentially vets can choose” to receive a combination of public and private care or simply opt to go to private doctors, he explained.

The announcement fell in line with Trump’s stated goal to “ensure our veterans get the care they need wherever and whenever they need it. No more long drives. No more waiting backlogs. No more excessive red tape. Just the care and support they earned with their service to our country.”

(via: Conservative Tribune)

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