
VICTORY! Trump SCARES Sanctuary City Into Changing Policy Ahead Of Inauguration

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Right after Donald Trump’s election, dozens of so-called “sanctuary cities” loudly vowed to stick to their policies of ignoring federal laws against illegal immigration.

Some unlikely entities such as college campuses even jumped on the bandwagon and said that they too were now “sanctuary” zones where illegal aliens could congregate without fear of deportation.

Trump has said again and again that municipalities that insist on being sanctuary cities will have their federal funding cut. Did that threat prompt a change of policy for at least one district?

John Binder reports for Breitbart:

Suffolk County Sheriff Vincent DeMarco announced that his county will no longer demand a judge’s order before detaining an illegal immigrant wanted by federal immigration officials, a major shift away from its previous sanctuary city policy, according to Newsday.

DeMarco said his policy reversal is not because of the incoming Trump administration’s expected legal fight against sanctuary city policies. Instead, he said the shift came after careful “legal analysis.”

Whatever the reason, this is good news for citizens in that community. Dan Cadman of the conservative Center for Immigration Studies predicts that other municipalities will follow suit:

“I mean, let’s face it, a new administration is coming in and the new administration has said, unambiguously, they’re going to take an entirely different and harder approach toward sanctuaries. I don’t think that many counties and many county sheriffs and some police departments want to be between the hammer and the anvil.”

It’s one thing to blow a lot of self-righteous hot air, but another thing to risk millions of dollars in much-needed federal funding to stick to one’s “principles” — especially when those “principles” actually violate the laws of the land and put genuine, tax-paying citizens at risk.

Watch for other “sanctuary” cities to quietly follow the lead of Suffolk County, New York.

Source: Breitbart

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