
Democrats Would Rather Have Sanders Run Again Over Hillary

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A Suffolk University/USA Today poll published Wednesday found little appetite for another Hillary Clinton run for the White House. Just 23% of respondents said they would be “excited” to see her run again. Meanwhile 62% said she should not run again.

The most painful finding for Hillary may be that members of her own party (plus independents) were much more enthusiastic about three other Democrats running in 2020. Enthusiasm for Clinton’s primary rival Bernie Sanders was a strong 44 percent. Joe Biden trailed slightly at 43% and Elizabeth Warren, who Hillary was once rumored to be considering as a VP pick, got 34 percent. The number one response was “Someone entirely new” at 66 percent.  Here are the complete results for that question:


The poll also asked how respondents felt about the Electoral College. Fifty percent said the EC should be kept as it is while 42% said the Constitution should be changed so that the election was determined by the popular vote.

As for what respondents want Trump to do once in office, the top response (46%) was to focus on the economy and jobs. Dealing with terrorism was a distant second (17%) followed by “draining the swamp” in Washington (16%) and building a wall on the southern border (7%). A majority (58.5%) also believe President Trump will also dismantle President Obama’s legacy.

(via: Hot Air)

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