
U.S. Border Patrol Busts Child Sexual Predator, Murderer

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Border Patrol agents in the Tucson Sector arrested multiple illegal aliens who had entered the U.S. including a Mexican convicted of sex crimes against a child and a Salvadoran man who had been convicted of murder.

The arrests took place in the Tucson Sector in southern Arizona last week, according to information obtained from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials. On November 21, agents assigned to the Brian Terry Border Patrol Station apprehended a Mexican national who had illegally reentered the U.S. A records check revealed the Mexican man had been previously convicted on a felony charge of lewd conduct with a child under the age of 16. He spent 365 days in an Idaho prison and was subsequently deported.

The Mexican national now faces felony charges of illegal reentry after being deported as a convicted sex offender.

Two days earlier, Border Patrol agents detained a group of suspected drug smugglers. The group was carrying more than 350 pounds of marijuana, according to CBP officials. The Border Patrol agents took the suspected smugglers into custody. During processing, it was learned that one of the men, a Salvadoran national, had previously been arrested for homicide. He was convicted and spent nine years in prison. The location of his offense was not disclosed by CBP officials.

The Salvadoran man was subsequently deported. He has now been arrested and charged with felony reentry after deportation.

Breitbart Texas has reported extensively on these types of criminal aliens who repeatedly reenter the U.S. after being deported for their crimes. These individuals frequently include previously deported sex offenders. These criminals feel free to come and go across the Mexican border at will because of the federal government’s failure to properly secure the nation’s border.

President-Elect Donald  Trump repeatedly promised during his presidential campaign to build a wall and finally secure the border.

The Brian A. Terry Border Patrol Station is named in honor of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry who was shot and killed during a night operation near the Arizona Border with Mexico in December 2010. Two guns from the Obama Administration’s Operation Fast and Furious were found at the scene of his murder.

(via: Breitbart)

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