
Obama Reportedly Told Hillary To Concede On Election Night

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For those who stayed up through the entirety of the election night (and early, early morning), the election results tabulation was a stressful event, prolonged by how close some of the state races came.

At the end of the night, we were left with a President-elect Donald Trump and a former Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton.

One of the main events of the night was when Clinton called Donald Trump to concede the election to him, but, according to The Hill, that may not have happened if it hadn’t been for President Barack Obama.

The Hill cited an episode from a forthcoming book on Clinton’s surprise defeat, stating that Obama called Clinton and told her four words that must have been devastating to hear: “You need to concede.”

Clinton did eventually acknowledge her defeat, but not until campaign Chairman John Podesta had told supporters at her election party to go home because “we’re not going to have anything more to say tonight,” according to the New York Post.

The speech Podesta gave made it seem like Clinton was not going to yield to Trump that evening, but she called him to concede a half-hour later.

It seems that some of Clinton’s supporters and team were hoping for a turn-around victory late that night before Obama’s call.

“There was a lot of discussion about Michigan and Wisconsin and whether the numbers could flip it,” an anonymous source told The Hill. The source continued to say that Clinton might not have conceded the election that night if Obama had not pushed her.

So, seriously — thanks, Obama.

(via: Conservative Tribune)

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