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Clinton Foundation Is One Of The Biggest Money-Laundering Operations In The World

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On the Tuesday broadcast of “The Hugh Hewitt Show,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) said the Clinton Foundation is increasingly looking like “one of the largest money laundering and influence peddling operations in the world,” adding that Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton would continue similar corruption in the White House if elected.

[W]e now know there were no fewer than four FBI investigations into the Clintons and their close associates – the Foundation, the emails, Abedin and Weiner and Terry McAuliffe, the governor of Virginia. And I suspect that was a very high-ranking Department of Justice political appointee who was carrying water for the Clinton machine and wanted to shut down an investigation into the Clinton Foundation, which increasingly looks like one of the largest money laundering and influence peddling operations in the world,” Cotton told host Hugh Hewitt.

“This is why if Hillary Clinton wins this election and they don’t shut down the Clinton Foundation and come clean with all of its past activities, then there’s no telling the kind of corruption that you might see out of the Clinton White House,” he continued. “They did it in the State Department. Of course, they’re going to do it in the White House.”

(via: Breitbart)

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