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BOMBSHELL: Obama Was Just Implicated In FEDERAL CRIME, He’s Likely To Be Impeached!

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Hillary Clinton was hit with a nuclear bomb on Friday when the FBI reopened their investigation into her use of a personal email server as Secretary of State. Now, we are getting a closer look at how Barack Obama’s White House knowingly protected Clinton, possibly breaking the law in the process.

In his new book “Guilty As Sin,” published on Newsmax, noted political insider Ed Klein claimed that details of Comey’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s personal email server were delivered to the Oval Office in a briefcase by Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

Conservative Tribune reported that Klein claimed FBI Director James Comey realized his investigation was being undermined when he saw White House press secretary Josh Earnest indicate in a press conference that the administration had details of the FBI’s investigation:

“It was Jan. 29, 2016, and an aide had just handed Comey a printout of today’s White House press conference by Josh Earnest, the president’s spokesman.

“There, marked for Comey’s attention, was Earnest’s response to a reporter who had asked whether Hillary Clinton was likely to be indicted as a result of the FBI’s investigation into her personal emails.

“‘Based on what we know from the Department of Justice,’ Earnest said, ‘it does not seem to be headed in that direction.’

“Based on what we know!

“‘How does Earnest know anything?’ Comey asked.”

That’s when Attorney General Loretta Lynch came into it.

“Uniformed FBI agents on Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s protective detail had informed Comey that Lynch had locked an armful of documents on the FBI investigation into her briefcase and delivered them to the White House.”

“More than once, Lynch had brought along a Justice Department prosecutor who was working on the Hillary case to brief the president’s staff.

These briefings between Lynch and the White House (which Lynch publicly denied because they were unethical) had been going on since Comey’s investigation began in the summer of 2015. Comey was aware, of course, that his criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton was inevitably linked with the highest possible stakes in American politics.”

“If his agents turned up evidence of criminal wrongdoing on Hillary’s part, it would ignite the greatest political firestorm since Watergate. And more likely than not, that would derail Hillary’s candidacy for the White House.”

This shows just how far Obama was willing to go to protect Clinton, even though he knew she was a criminal. SHARE this story if you think Obama should be IMPEACHED!

(via: WebDaily)

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