
If You See THIS Brand Of Voting Machine On Election Day, Get A Paper Ballot IMMEDIATELY

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Voters don’t typically think much about the voting machines they’re using, but this election season, what kind of voting machine used might end up being critical in how the election turns out.

That’s because Smartmatic, a U.K.-based technology company that provides voting machines to countries around the world, has deep connections to leftist billionaire George Soros.

Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, the chairman of Smartmatic, is on the board of Soros’ Open Society Foundations. He was the former vice chairman of Soros’ Investment Funds and the deputy secretary general of the United Nations when he worked as Kofi Annan’s chief of staff.

Malloch-Brown has also worked with consulting firms that have ties to Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and husband, Bill. He was an international partner with the Sawyer-Miller consulting firm, and he was also a senior adviser to FTI Consulting, which handled communications under contract for Bill Clinton’s 1992 run for the presidency.

Top Clinton adviser Mandy Grunwald is a Sawyer-Miller alum. Grunwald was in charge of the firm’s communication contract for former President Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential run. She also headed up communications for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential bid.

Jackson Dunn, senior managing director with FTI Consulting, worked as an aide to both Bill Clinton and Hilllary Clinton.

Those are troubling connections.

Smartmatic claimed it had provided 15 states and the District of Columbia with voting machines: Arizona, California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin. So be on the lookout for signs that your precinct is using Smartmatic products.

Smartmatic’s website included a graphic describing how the company has contributed to U.S. elections from 2006 to 2015 with “57,000 voting and counting machines deployed” and “35 million voters assisted,” reported The Daily Caller.

However, after that report was published, the company removed the graphic from its website and posted a declaration that Smartmatic “will not be deploying its technology in any U.S. county for the upcoming 2016 U.S. Presidential elections.” It also claimed that it has no ties to Soros.

If the company had nothing to hide, why would it go to the trouble of scrubbing information about participating in previous U.S. elections?

Nothing should be dismissed if it looks suspicious — especially with all that we’ve learned about how unethically Democrats have behaved this year.

When voting, look for the Smartmatic logo on the machines in your precinct. If you encounter one of these machines, ask for a paper ballot.

It pays to be careful.

(via: Conservative Tribune)

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