
Trump Defends Sanders Supporters, BASHES Hillary Over Her ‘Basement Dweller’ Comment

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Donald Trump harshly reprimanded Hillary Clinton for her latest insults leveled at American voters during a rally Saturday evening in Manheim, Pennsylvania.

The Democratic  nominee came under fire after leaked audio from February surfaced late in September revealing that Clinton described Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ backers as people “living in their parents’ basement.” Immediately tying Clinton’s comments about Sanders’ supporters to her infamous “basket of deplorables” swipe at “half” of Trump’s own supporters from early in September, the GOP nominee bashed Clinton for her dismissal of so many Americans.

“In the tape, Hillary attacks Sanders supporters as ‘living in their parents’ basements,” and trapped in dead-end careers,” Trump said. “She describes many of them as ignorant, that they want the United States to be more like Scandinavia but that ‘half the people don’t know what that means.’”

In the audio clip, Clinton can be heard summing up her opinions of both sets of voters: Sanders’ and Trump’s.

“It is important to recognize what’s going on in this election,” Clinton said. “Everybody who’s ever been in an election that I’m aware of is quite bewildered because there is a strain of, on the one hand, the kind of populist, nationalist, xenophobic, discriminatory kind of approach that we hear too much of from the Republican candidates. And on the other side, there’s just a deep desire to believe that we can have free college, free health care, that what we’ve done hasn’t gone far enough, and that we just need to, you know, go as far as, you know, Scandinavia, whatever that means, and half the people don’t know what that means, but it’s something that they deeply feel.”


Trump hammered the comments.

“To sum up, Hillary Clinton thinks Bernie supporters are hopeless and ignorant basement dwellers,” Trump added. “Then, of course, she thinks people who vote for Trump are deplorable and irredeemable.”

Trump tied together Clinton’s disdain for several different constituencies as clear evidence she only finds people who support her palatable.

“And let’s not forget, at the recent debate, Hillary Clinton all but said that most of the country is racist, including the men and women of law enforcement,” Trump said. “In short, if you are not a diehard Hillary Clinton supporter from day one, Hillary Clinton thinks you are a defective human being.”

The GOP nominee urged the rally attendees to use the 38 days until Election Day as best they can to work towards changing “the future of our country and the world.”

“You have 38 days to make every dream you ever dreamed for your come true. Do not let this opportunity slip away or be wasted. You will never ever have this chance again,” Trump said. “You have one magnificent chance to deliver justice for every forgotten man, woman and child in this nation. The arrogance of Washington, D.C. will soon come face to face with the righteous verdict of the American voter. Watch.”

(via: Lifezette)

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