
Donald Trump Asks Lester Holt About DUMB Debate Questions

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Speaking Tuesday morning on Fox News, hours after the previous night’s presidential debate, GOP candidate Donald Trump wondered why debate moderator Lester Holt had failed to ask Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton about her email scandal, among other things.

“He didn’t ask her about her emails,” Trump said. “He didn’t ask her about her scandals. He didn’t ask her about the Benghazi deal that she destroyed. He didn’t ask her about a lot of things she should have been asked about.”

“You know, there’s no question about it,” he continued. “He didn’t ask her about her foundation. Why?

Great question, and to it, we could add: Why did Holt instead focus his questions on Trump’s taxes, as well as his opposition to the Iraq War and his previously made claims that President Barack Obama had not been born in the United States?

Great question, and to it, we could add: Why did Holt instead focus his questions on Trump’s taxes, as well as his opposition to the Iraq War and his previously made claims that President Barack Obama had not been born in the United States?

Simply put, he showed up at Hofstra University with the intention of making certain that Clinton performed better than Trump — and in a way, he succeeded.

Yet at the same time, he didn’t. Holt’s own performance provided Americans with a picture-perfect glimpse of what media bias looked like. Likewise, Clinton’s snarky attitude and smug grins made her look like a first-class elitist, pompous to the core.

Trump’s performance, on the other hand, was rough on the edges but at least sincere, a trait that Holt and Clinton clearly knew nothing about.

(via: Conservative Tribune)

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