
No ‘Mock’ Debates, But The EXTREME Preparation Trump Went Through For Tonight

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Donald Trump’s campaign co-chairman and chief policy adviser, Sam Clovis, told Breitbart News DailySiriusXM host Alex Marlow Monday, “It’s a clear choice. The difference between Donald Trump and Mrs. Clinton could not be greater.” Discussing Monday night’s highly anticipated presidential debate, he added, “He will give the argument, with specifics, about why his plan is better than Mrs. Clinton’s.”

In terms of Trump’s preparation, Clovis said, “I think what he’s done is, like we’ve done with almost every other opportunity like this, he is focused. He’s taking this very seriously.”

“He won’t prep like Mrs. Clinton did,” asserted Clovis, who elaborated:

We take this in bites because the campaign day is very long and strenuous with many demands on the candidate. The issues go into him. We have a particular plan we want to lay out. We sit down and talk about those things in those fifteen-minute, or thirty-minute, or one-hour sessions. Sometimes, we get a little bit longer than that. But those are the opportunities. We sit down. It’s very concentrated, very focused. By the way, he’s an extraordinarily intelligent human being, and he absorbs information like a sponge.

“I think it’ll be very clear tonight that he’s done a great deal of preparation for this,” concluded Clovis.

(Via: Breitbart)

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