
Pence Defends Trump Supporters After Hillary’s DISGUSTING Comments

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Donald Trump’s running mate Indiana Gov. Mike Pence took time at the Values Voter Summit on Saturday to address Hillary Clinton’s remarks calling half of Trump supporters a “basket of deplorables.”

“The American people — the millions of Americans — that are supporting my running mate were described in the most deplorable of terms,” Pence stated, saying that “it’s extraordinary to think of it.”

“I campaign on a regular basis with Donald Trump… Hillary Clinton’s low opinion of the people that support this campaign should be denounced in the strongest possible terms,” he declared, adding that Trump supporters are hard-working Americans and farmers, “coalminers, teachers, veterans, members of our law enforcement community, members of every class of this country that know we can make America great again.”

“Hillary, they are not a basket of anything — they are Americans and they deserve your respect,” he stressed. “No one with a record of failure at home and abroad, no one with her avalanche of dishonesty and corruption and no one with that low of an opinion of the American people should ever be elected president of the United States of America.”

(via: Breitbart)

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