
Hillary Admits To SHOCKING Brain Injury Disability!

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For the past several months there have been serious questions about the status of Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s health.

Some have suggested that her questionable health, particularly regarding her mental acuity, should preclude her from becoming the next leader of the United States.

Now, thanks to the FBI publicly releasing the notes from their investigation into her use of a private email server to conduct official government business during her tenure as secretary of state, it appears as if there is proof that, by her own admission, Clinton has been operating at less than full mental capacity.

According to Reuters, Clinton told FBI investigators that she was unable to recall all of the security briefings she may have received regarding the regulations governing the handling of classified materials due to a concussion she received in 2012.

Though she was ultimately not referred to the Justice Department for prosecution, it was quite apparent from the FBI’s investigation that Clinton violated several of those regulations by using an unauthorized private server to handle both personal and professional business.

The FBI’s summary of its investigation revealed that Clinton told investigators that she could not recall ever receiving the briefings, much less the important details of how to handle classified materials in compliance with the law, due to her concussion and subsequent blood clot.

“However, in December of 2012, Clinton suffered a concussion and then around the New Year had a blood clot,” the FBI’s summary said. “Based on her doctor’s advice, she could only work at state for a few hours a day and could not recall every briefing she received.”

This admission proves that Clinton’s health is truly an issue that the American people should be concerned about, and it no doubt has many Democrats quietly panicking about their candidate.

If Clinton’s concussion has caused her to forget the briefings she most certainly received regarding the handling of classified material, what else has her concussion caused her to forget?

Furthermore, if the concussion caused long-lasting brain damage that persists to this day, how can she be trusted to serve as president?

These neurological health questions alone should render her unqualified for the highest office in the land, completely aside from her apparent corrupt dealings, destructive progressive agenda and utter lack of trustworthiness.

Please share this on Facebook and Twitter because every American voter needs to know that Hillary Clinton admitted to the FBI that she suffered brain damage from her 2012 concussion and now has trouble remembering important things like security briefings.

(via: Conservative Tribune)

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