
While Louisiana Flood Victims Die, Lose Homes, Obama Gives SICK Directive To Residents

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While Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump took the time out of his schedule to visit flood victims in Louisiana, President Barack Obama was hard at work enjoying his vacation. But, apparently, he did give those in the flood-ravaged state some consideration — by issuing a set of directives advising them not to engage in racial discrimination.

That’s right. While flood waters displaced thousands, Obama was worried about prejudice. The Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Health and Human Services, and Transportation released a guidance on Tuesday warning residents against engaging in “unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin (including limited English proficiency),” reported the Washington Times.

The document is beyond pathetic, but it is characteristic of the Obama we have all come to know. The president neglected the victims of this flood in a major way, and then had the nerve to interject race into the crisis.

It didn’t go unnoticed. The Times reports that many residents were bothered by the administration’s guidance. The American Conservative’s Rod Dreher wrote Thursday that everywhere you look, “you can find black folks and white folks loving on each other, helping each other through this crisis.”


It’s good to know that Obama’s lackies were comfortably sitting on their keisters working hard to create a 16-page document to warn residents in Louisiana about the perils of racism while their homes and all of their belongings were being swept away in torrential flood waters.

It certainly looks like Washington has its priorities straight.

Unfortunately, this is what we have come to expect from Democrats. Once again, they have proven how much they care when American’s suffer disaster and are displaced.

Trump made it Louisiana before Obama or Hillary Clinton, and that made an impression on the thousands of people who have no place to call home — as it should.

(via: Conservative Tribune)

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