
Major GOP Donors Call Trump ‘Undisciplined’ And Withhold Funding

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Donald Trump could lose substantial financial backing from large donors who say the Republican nominee is undisciplined and “making stupid mistakes.”

Trump fundraisers said donors are questioning whether to support a candidate who attacks prominent GOP leaders, including House Speaker Paul Ryan (Wis.) and Sen. John McCain (Ariz.), the Hill reported Wednesday.

One major donor told a Trump fundraiser that if the business mogul was going to continue the direction of his campaign, “let him spend his own dough.”

“He said, ‘I’m on hold for right now. As much as I want to win … I don’t mind losing but I’m not going to just give money to a guy who’s beating himself and making stupid mistakes,’” an unnamed fundraiser told the Hill.

“There’s a lot of people who are very concerned and feel he has no discipline and that he’s not controllable.”

The billionaire Koch brothers have refused to back Trump, despite pressure from big donors, and have instead decided to funnel their money into congressional races.

Charles Koch, who boasts a nearly $300 million political budget in partnership with his brother David, reaffirmed his refusal to support the business mogul during a bi-annual donor retreat in Colorado Springs.

Doug Deason, a multimillionaire Dallas investor who backs Trump, attempted multiple times during the retreat to persuade Koch to meet with Trump. Koch refused, telling Deason, “There’s just really no purpose.”

The Kochs’ refusal to lend financial support to Trump’s campaign prevents the Republican nominee from accessing a major source of fundraising.

The Trump fundraiser said the business mogul’s Twitter antics have been a source of concern for donors, telling the Hill he would “break his f***ing thumbs” if he could to keep him from tweeting.

“People don’t understand what he’s doing,” the fundraiser said. “He’s not attacking Hillary [Clinton], he’s attacking our own. You eat your young, right?”

Billionaire media mogul Stanley Hubbard, who has donated a substantial amount of money to the Republican’s campaign, said he wrote a letter to Trump advising him to be “sensible.”

“It frustrates all of us. It’s like he’s trying to shoot himself … and commit suicide,” Hubbard told the Hill.

Top Republicans who have backed Trump’s bid for the White House, including former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, are planning to meet with the party’s nominee to push for a campaign reset after a destructive past few days.

(via: Washington Free Beacon)

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