
Has Paul Ryan’s Behavior Disqualified Him To Run For Another Term?

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JANESVILLE, WI — Wisconsin businessman Paul Nehlen blasted House Speaker Paul Ryan for his “repeated betrayals” of both Republican nominee, Donald Trump, and the American electorate, who “who want a leader that will put the interests of America and her citizens first.”

“Paul Ryan’s repeated betrayals of the GOP nominee is beneath the dignity of the Speakers’ office and is morally disqualifying,” Nehlen declared.

Nehlen’s statement follows Ryan’s decision to join “Hillary Clinton and the establishment media in rebuking Trump’s common sense immigration proposals” with his Sunday statement regarding the Khan family. Ryan then chose to “attack Trump’s trade policies” at an “elite donors retreat” hosted by the Koch brothers.

“Paul Ryan has shown more passion in attacking Trump than he has ever shown in defending Americans,” Nehlen wrote.

In particular, Nehlen highlighted Ryan’s refusal to even acknowledge the victims of his open borders immigration agenda — such as the “angel moms” whose children were murdered by illegal aliens.

“Speaker Ryan only cares about the deaths of innocent Americans so long as their deaths comport with donors’ desired narrative,” Nehlen said. “Paul Ryan took an oath and swore to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, but his only loyalty is to money, his only allegiance to his donors, and the only issue that he’s ever cared about is the expansion of his own personal power.”

Nehlen added that, “Throughout this election cycle, the American people made themselves resoundingly clear. In nominating Mr. Trump, they voted for borders, they voted for trade deals that protect American jobs and wages, and they voted to defend national sovereignty. On all of these issues, Paul Ryan finds himself firmly against the American people… on these critical issues, Paul Ryan sides with Hillary Clinton and his corporate donors.”

Earlier on Tuesday, Donald Trump announced that he is “not quite” ready to endorse Speaker Ryan in his primary election.

“I like Paul, but these are horrible times for our country,” Trump said in an interview with the Washington Post. “We need very strong leadership. We need very, very strong leadership. And I’m just not quite there yet. I’m not quite there yet.”

Trump noted that Nehlen is “running a very good campaign”.

As Breitbart News has previously reported, Nehlen is running on a pro-America platform arguing, in contrast to Ryan, that the needs of American citizens should be a Congressman’s first priority. If elected, Nehlen would likely join the pro-America wing of the GOP Congress led by Sen. Jeff Sessions and Congressman Dave Brat.

By contrast, Speaker Ryan is the ideological leader of the globalist wing of the Republican Party. Ryan emphasizes that the needs of foreign citizens are equal to the needs of American citizens. In fact, Ryan has previously suggested that U.S. lawmakers must put themselves in the shoes of foreign citizens and then put forth legislative proposals that would best serve the interests of these foreign citizens. Ryan’s view, which is dominant among the GOP establishment, reflects the belief that Americans are only part of many interest groups that a Congressman ought to consider when crafting legislation—even as he negotiates with other countries, which always put their citizens first.

Already, Speaker Ryan has massively outspent Nehlen. Indeed, Ryan has nearly $10 million at his disposal in his campaign war chest.

Ryan has used these funds to flood the district with, what Nehlen has described as, “dishonest” ads designed to convince voters that Ryan is committed to securing America’s borders and curbing Islamic migration. In reality, Ryan has a two-decade-long record of supporting expansive immigration policies. Ryan is, in fact, the leader of the anti-borders movement in Congress.

Nehlen has managed to significantly close the gap in polls despite virtually no national or local media coverage, sabotage by the state party, and nearly no support from Washington conservative media figures like Mark Levin.

Despite all of these significant obstacles to Nehlen’s insurgent campaign to unseat the Republican House Speaker, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has described Ryan’s campaign against his pro-America primary challenger as potentially Ryan’s “toughest fight yet.”

Nehlen’s statement on Ryan’s “repeated betrayals” can be read in full below:

Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan has spent months working against his Party’s nominee and the American people, who want a leader that will put the interests of America and her citizens first.

Paul Ryan’s repeated betrayals of the GOP nominee is beneath the dignity of the Speakers’ office and is morally disqualifying.

Paul Ryan has shown more passion in attacking Trump than he has ever shown in defending Americans.

Whether you are a Republican or a Democrat, it’s hard to disagree with the fact that Ryan’s efforts to undermine the Republican nominee—while pretending to have endorsed the nominee— is the kind of two-faced dishonest politics that has caused Americans of all political stripes to come to loathe Washington D.C.

Following his statement on the Khan family— in which Ryan joined Hillary Clinton and the establishment media in rebuking Trump’s common sense immigration proposals— Ryan then opted to use the Koch brothers’ elite donors retreat to attack Trump’s trade policies in order to push his own globalist economic agenda, which is wildly out of step with voters across party lines in Wisconsin’s first Congressional District.

Paul Ryan took an oath and swore to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, but his only loyalty is to money, his only allegiance to his donors, and the only issue that he’s ever cared about is the expansion of his own personal power.

Wisconsinites are entitled to honest and principled leaders— not politicians who will say anything, do anything, or lie about anything to deliver for their wealthy financial donors.

Throughout this election cycle, the American people made themselves resoundingly clear. In nominating Mr. Trump, they voted for borders, they voted for trade deals that protect American jobs and wages, and they voted to defend national sovereignty.

On all of these issues, Paul Ryan finds himself firmly against the American people.

Paul Ryan has spent two decades championing his donors’ open borders agenda, opposed by the American electorate. On these critical issues, Paul Ryan sides with Hillary Clinton and his corporate donors.

Beltway and media elites have praised Paul Ryan for his statement regarding the Khan family, in which he denounced Donald Trump’s immigration policies. But where was Paul Ryan’s statement rebuking Hillary Clinton after grieving parents, whose children were killed by murderous illegal aliens, said that Clinton-backed policies were to blame for their children’s deaths?

When four “angel moms” came to Ryan’s guarded estate and stood in front of his personal border wall to tell their stories, Paul Ryan ignored them.

In fact, Paul Ryan fled from these mothers. Why? Because their families’ tragedies did not comport with Ryan and his donors’ open borders immigration agenda.

As these angel moms explained in a letter they tried to deliver to Speaker Ryan, if “Paul Ryan only cared as much about us as he cares about his donors” we might “have been spared” from our loss.

Apparently, Speaker Ryan only cares about the deaths of innocent Americans so long as their deaths comport with donors’ desired narrative.

The stakes of Wisconsin’s August 9th election cannot be more clear.

One week from today, the voters of Wisconsin have the chance to take back their government and reclaim the people’s house. On August 9th, with one vote, Wisconsin voters can stop amnesty. With one vote, Wisconsin voters can save the lives of countless innocent Americans. With one vote, Wisconsin voters can stop TPP. With one vote, Wisconsin voters can save the entire nation from globalism. With one vote, Wisconsin voters can take back our district from the special interests who own Paul Ryan. With one vote, Wisconsin voters can stop Ryan’s lies, his disdain, his deceit and his betrayals.

August 9th is Wisconsin’s Independence Day.

(via: Breitbart)

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