
Have You Signed The Petition To Reverse FBI Decision Not To Prosecute Clinton?

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The American public largely disagreed with the federal government’s decision not to indict former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over her use of a private email server while in office, according to a new poll by ABC News.

Now unhappy Americans are calling on the White House to do something about that.

A “We the People” popped up on the White House’s official petition site last Tuesday, just hours after the Federal Bureau of Investigations announced it would not be recommending charges against the presumptive Democratic nominee.

“Secretary of State Clinton was in direct violation of the agreement between her and the United States of American outlined on the Standard Form 312, section 4.

She sent classified information outside of a server with the classification needed to keep the information she was sending secure. Her actions have created a major security violation and could potentially be used by enemies of the state.

This petition is being used to reverse the FBI decision and have HRC charged with all of the aforementioned charges, along with any others that are outlined in the SF 312.”
As of press time, more than 237,000 people have signed the petition – more than double the number of signatories required for a White House response. The White House must respond to the petition within 60 days, per the guidelines of the “We the People” program.

Clinton was formally exonerated of any wrongdoing by the Justice Department on Wednesday. Nonetheless, the investigation into Clinton’s emails does not appear to be dying down anytime soon.

The State Department has reopened its internal investigation into Clinton’s emails. Congress is also considering its own investigation, starting with its interrogation of FBI Director James Comey on Thursday.

Already Over 240,000 Americans have signed this petition. Will you add your name to the list?

Sign Petition Here 

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