
Trump Calls Out Clinton Exposing Two New Scandals

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If there’s one thing no one can deny about presumed GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump, it’s that he’s blunt. Whether you like what he says or not, Trump is guaranteed to say what’s on his mind.

It’s a heavy draw for a lot of voters, who see him as a less subtle choice than Democrat presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton, among other things. On July 6, he made a statement that sent him on the offensive against Hillary with some of the strongest stuff he’s yet brought to bear.

“While Clinton attacks private business entities for creating jobs and powering the economy, it comes in stark contrast to Clinton’s long record peddling political influence for cash,” the statement read.

“Whether it is selling off American uranium mines to Russians to enrich a Clinton Foundation donor, placing a Clinton campaign fundraiser on a highly sensitive national security board with no previous experience, or funneling federal grants to failing businesses owned by friends of the family, the Clinton family has shown no shame in their greedy pursuit of lining their own pockets.”

He then presented some pretty condemnatory evidence for two of the biggest scandals the American public at large has yet to hear about.

“In 2010 when the Russians wanted to up their stake in an uranium company called Uranium One To 51 percent, giving them a controlling stake, it set off ‘alarm bells’ in America.”

He then pointed out a man named Ian Tefler, whose cash flowed into the Clinton foundation during this time. His family charity, the Fernwood Foundation, donated millions to her foundation as she sat on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States.

But that was only the first accusation Trump had to make against the former secretary of state.

“Clinton placed a donor on a national security board with no experience in the field,” he also wrote.

The donor, Raj Fernando, was rushed a “top secret” security clearance at her insistence.

He has donated between $1 million and $5 million to the Clinton Foundation, according to the Foundation‘s website.

Trump’s scathing exposé was remarkably well-researched, even for Trump.

Most Americans know about Clinton’s private email server problems and her husband’s philandering. But they need to know about these scandals, too, before heading out to the polls in November.

Please share this on Facebook and Twitter — this is a huge deal, and people need to know exactly who Crooked Hillary is.

How many scandals will it take before Hillary Clinton is finally indicted and tried?

(via: MakeAmericaGreatToday)

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