
Domestic Terror Attack on Dallas Police Officers

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Last night on July 7, 2016, a Black Lives Matter protest against police was interrupted by a domestic terrorist attack. Seven officers were shot, two civilians were injured, and five officers lost their lives to two snipers from a second story parking garage.

The BLM movement was protesting police heavy handedness in regards to two recent shootings in Minnesota and Baton Rouge. Two men lost their lives to police officers, which has led to the protest that took place in multiple cities; Chicago, New York, and Dallas. However, Dallas was subjected to a deadly attack.

Dallas Police Chief Brown stated the hostage negotiator spoke with one of the supposed shooters. The shooter stated, “that he wanted to kill white police officers…. especially white officers. ” He was upset over the recent police shootings, and even indicated there were bombs spread across the city. Currently no bombs have been found. The police fearing further detriment to anyone elses life, placed a small explosive device near the shooter and detonated it. The shooter died.

The injured officers were taken to Parkland Hospital and Baylor Hospital. This was a tragedy, and has been recently commented on by the President as a lack of gun control.  Gun control is not the issue here. Black Lives Matter movement is supported by President Obama. There are rumors that the shooters have connections to the BLM movement. This horrific tragedy has impacted the Dallas Police Department, and has touched everyone who is a resident of Dallas for the senseless shooting that took place. God Bless the Dallas PD!

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