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Clinton Says ‘Deporting Illegal Immigrants Would Damage Economy’

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Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tells voters that the United States would suffer if Donald Trump succeeded in deporting all illegal immigrants.

“We know that the economy would be badly damaged if Donald Trump had his way and 11 million people were rounded up and deported,” Clinton said. “It would be a terrible cost. Human moral and financial cost. Let’s stay on the path of immigration reform.”

Clinton made her remarks during a town hall with YouTube creators and commented specifically on the Supreme Court’s deadlocked decision on President Barack Obama’s executive amnesty for parents of childhood illegal immigrants.

“Let me say that I think it’s heartbreaking what the Supreme Court decided which created so much uncertainty and fear in the minds and hearts of millions of people,” she said.

Clinton reminded the audience that the Supreme Court decision only applied to Obama’s Deferred Action for Parents of Americans plan and not the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.

She encouraged the so-called DREAMers (illegal immigrants brought to the United States as children) to enroll in the program.

“DREAMers, if you know any, are still eligible and should go ahead and sign up,” she said.

Clinton said that she would continue to fight for both DACA and DAPA and enact amnesty for illegal immigrants during her first 100 days as president.

Violent criminals, she specified, would be deported, but “everyone else” should have a pathway to citizenship.

(via: Breitbart)

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