
Indian Supporter Celebrates Trump’s Birthday

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A man holds up a poster reading ‘Happy Birthday Trump’ while Hindu Sena celebrates the GOP candidates birthday at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi. Express Photo/Tashi Tobgyal

Little-known right wing group Hindu Sena on Tuesday celebrated US Republican party candidate Donald Trump’s birthday at Jantar Mantar in the national capital.

With a birthday cake, balloons and posters — including one showing Trump brandishing a gun,  the group celebrated Trump’s birthday. The Hindu Sena called Trump the ‘saviour of humanity’ and the ‘messiah against Islamic terror’.

Speaking to, national president of Hindu Sena Vishnu Gupta said they were organising the event because they consider Trump to be their ‘hero’.

“Donald Trump is speaking the entire world’s ‘mann ki baat’ against Islamic terror and we support it,” he said, referring to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s radio show  Mann ki Baat.

Love for Donald Trump: Hindu Sena chief Vishnu Gupta said the organisation will continue to hold similar events. Express Photo/Tashi Tobgyal

Gupta also said that the group plans to organise similar events in the future including a rally outside the American embassy in New Delhi and the JNU campus, after the new academic year begins.

When asked about the support he was getting from other leaders or political parties, he said that no political leader was ready to speak against Trump because they are afraid of him. “The BJP used to speak against Islamic terror, but after coming to power it has also become a ‘secular party’.”

The Hindu Sena had earlier organised a ‘havan’ in May 2016, praying for Trump’s success in the US Presidential elections.

(via: The Indian Express)

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