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Hillary Says Trump ‘Isn’t Qualified’ To Be President; ‘This Isn’t A Reality Show’

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Thursday on CNN’s “Situation Room,” Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton reacted to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump saying the State Department inspector general’s report that found she violated the agency rules by using a private email server during her tenure as secretary of state report was “devastating.”

Clinton said, “I know that Donald Trump says outrageous things all the time, but today he officially clinched the Republican nomination. So this is now as real as it gets. And this man, who is an unqualified loose cannon, is within reach of the most important job of the world. So it should concern every American. And President Obama came out of meetings with our most important allies in the world and reported that they are rattled by the threat that Donald Trump presents. Of course they are rattled. He’s talking about breaking up our alliances, letting countries get more nuclear weapons, banning all Muslims from coming to America. That is a recipe for fewer friends and more enemies and will make us less safe. Look, I know that Trump thinks this is a point of pride that people like me or President Obama raise questions and criticize him. But it’s not. This is not a reality show. It’s not just politics. It’s really serious. The entire world looks to the president of the United States for leadership and that’s what I would provide if elected.”

(via: Breitbart)

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