
Michelle Obama Is REFUSING To Campiagn For Biden, Here’s Why

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A new report revealed that former First Lady Michelle Obama had not been campaigning for Biden due to personal frustrations with the Biden family.

Fox News reported that Michelle Obama expressed “private frustrations” with the Bidens due to their treatment of her friend Kathleen Bible, who previously divorced Hunter Biden.

Buhle and Michelle Obama became friends while her husband was president and Joe Biden was vice president.

Hunter Biden and Kathleen Buhle divorced in 2017, and Buhle has since been exiled from the Biden family, which has angered Michelle.

Michelle Obama has also distanced herself from Biden after Hunter Biden started dating his late brother Beau’s wife.

Michelle reportedly described the relationship as “weird sh*t.”

Check out what Fox News reported:

Michelle Obama has expressed private frustration with the Bidens over the treatment of her friend Kathleen Buhle after her divorce from Hunter Biden. It has made her reluctant to openly campaign for the president, according to a new report.

The former first lady became friends with Buhle while her husband was in office and Joe Biden was his vice president, and they have since remained close. Hunter Biden and Buhle separated in 2015 and divorced in 2017. Buhle wrote in her memoir “If We Break” about his addictions and infidelity fracturing their marriage, and she was “largely exiled” from the family after their split, according to the Axios report.

According to the report, the Biden family was irked by Buhle’s book, although it came out a year after Hunter Biden’s 2021 memoir “Beautiful Things,” which delved into his addiction issues.

Axios also reported in 2017 that former President Obama attended a Wilmington, Delaware, fundraiser for the Beau Biden Foundation, a children’s advocacy group. At the time, the recently divorced Hunter Biden was dating his late brother’s widow, Hallie Biden. According to a source who spoke to Axios, Obama described the dynamics on display as “weird s–t,” although he has since denied making such a statement.

Michelle Obama privately told others she felt Buhle had been wronged in the aftermath of the marriage’s collapse, and she has not been out front on the campaign trail for President Biden as he faces his re-election battle against former President Trump. She does active work with a voter registration group, however.

Per The New York Post:

Former first lady Michelle Obama is reluctant to publicly campaign for President Biden’s re-election because, in part, of how the family treated Kathleen Buhle, her close friend, in the wake of her divorce from Hunter Biden, a new report claims.

The wife of former President Barack Obama has largely steered clear of the 2024 campaign trail after expressing frustration in private over Buhle’s apparent exile from the Biden family years earlier, Axios reported, citing two sources familiar with the relationship.

Michelle’s disdain for partisan politics is also partly to blame for her absence so far this election cycle, the sources added.

So….do you think that’s the true reason?

Or do you think it might have something more to do with this?

Is Michelle Obama Angling to Replace Biden For 2024?

"Big Mike" waiting in the wings?

Is Michelle Obama Angling to Replace Biden For 2024?

Is Joe Biden really going to be the Democrat presidential nominee for this year's election?

Or, do Democrats have something up their sleeves? Planning to sneak someone else in as Biden's last-minute replacement?

According to legendary New York Post columnist Cindy Adams, that's exactly what Dems are planning. And, they have someone specific in mind to replace Biden with...

"Plans are to grab Michelle for the Democratic presidency choice. Making the music is Barack the orchestra leader," Adams warned,

"The Obamas are now nudging to force SloMo Joe to go. Drop out. It’s like who else is there?"

Earlier this month, Michelle Obama made headlines with a media appearance in which she admitted she was "terrified about what could happen" in the next election, "Because our leaders matter. Who we select. Who speaks for us. Who holds that bully pulpit."

Here's a clip from that podcast interview:

So, is Michelle angling to sneak her way in to the presidential nominee position?

Read this New York Post opinion piece excerpt and decide for yourself:

Biden won’t debate. Can’t. Our codger-in-chief can’t even read the prewritten script in front of him fast enough to pronounce the words.

So, forget him — which most of us already have.

Coming back now — Obama. Not him. HER!

We’ve heard this drumbeat for a while. Now it’s louder.

Plans are to grab Michelle for the Democratic presidency choice. Making the music is Barack the orchestra leader.

Michelle says she’s “terrified” Trump will win. No casual burp. Was programmed. She’s sent a survey to Dem biggies asking their feelings about her candidacy.

Obama’s quietly angling for Joe to go. He’s weaseled up to this for a few weeks. Mouths aren’t talking. But mouths are knowing.

Over one year ago, summer of 2022, she was in NYC meeting several big hedge CEOs, and said, “I am running, and I am asking for your support.”

The Obamas are now nudging to force SloMo Joe to go. Drop out. It’s like who else is there?

Columnist Cindy Adams isn't the only one who thinks this.

Ted Cruz has also stated that he believes Michelle Obama will replace Joe Biden.

Breitbart reported on Cruz's opinion:

…According to Cruz, if by the time of the Democratic National Convention in August Biden’s “mental diminishment” worsens, it becomes “obvious to anyone that he can’t find his shoes,” and Democrats begin worrying, the event will serve as an opportunity to “parachute” a replacement in.

“The Democrat kingmakers [will then] jettison Joe Biden and parachute in Michelle Obama,” he suggested, adding that “you don’t infuriate African American women, which is a critical part of the constituency that Democrats are relying on to win.”

He also suggested that Michelle Obama, having once served as first lady, “has the ability to kind of parachute in above all four [top Democrat contenders] and say, ‘Hey, we’re not picking among any of you; you guys can all fight it out next time.’”

“This is the Obamas saving the day,” he stated.

Cruz also expressed his belief that Barack Obama is “already running the Biden administration,” serving as a “puppet master” behind the Biden White House.

So, what do you think?

Is Michelle Obama angling to be Joe Biden's replacement?

Let us know your thoughts...

Oh, and have you seen this? 👇


New Poll Says Michelle Obama "Most Admired Woman". Do You Agree? YES or NO

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