

Ginni Thomas Just Utterly Humiliated The Jan 6 Witch Hunt Committee Straight To Their Faces

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Ginni Thomas testified voluntarily before the Jan. 6 witch hunt committee, having recuperated from her hip replacement surgery. She stuck to her principles and still believes the election was stolen. You can believe that or believe 81 million Americans voted for Joe Biden. It’s irrelevant to this story. Ginni Thomas did nothing wrong and had no information for the Jan. 6 committee.


“First, I want to thank the Committee for your patience as I recovered from hip replacement surgery.”

Second, I am here voluntarily to answer questions about my activities regarding the 2020 election, which, I think you will find were minimal and mainstream.”

However, as my counsel has expressed, I am concerned that there may be more than a few questions about my husband’s work, which I do not believe is within the scope of this committee’s jurisdiction.

“Since I was the Nebraska College Republican Chair in my twenties, long before I met my husband in 1986, I have been active in political/public policy work. Moreover, while I have a law degree, I am not licensed to practice law, nor have I ever practiced law, nor have I ever worked on any litigation at the Supreme Court or any court for that matter. I work only in the political lane.”

“As Justice Breyer said this last week, it is 2022 and women can have professional and separate careers from their judicial spouses. Since he became a judge in 1990, my husband has only worked in the legal arena, not politics. I can guarantee that my husband has never spoken with me about pending cases at the Court. It’s an iron-clad rule in our home.”

“Additionally, he is uninterested in politics. And I generally do not discuss with him my day-to-day work in politics, the topics I am working on, who I am calling, emailing, texting, or meeting.”

“Regarding the 2020 election, I did not speak with him at all about the details of my volunteer campaign activities. And I did not speak with him at all about the details of my post-election activities, which were minimal, in any event.”

“I am certain I never spoke with him about any of the legal challenges to the 2020 election, as I was not involved with those challenges in any way. And I know he was completely unaware of my texts with Mark Meadows until this Committee leaked them to the press while he was in a hospital bed fighting an infection.”

“Let me also add, it is laughable for anyone who knows my husband to think I could influence his jurisprudence – the man is independent and stubborn, with strong character traits of independence and integrity.”

Ginni Thomas answered all the questions asked by the January 6 committee, per her lawyer.

She stuck to her guns and said she still believes the election was stolen. The Left is acting like she confessed to treason. Others claim she had no right to overturn the election. Ginni didn’t. The people who think the election was stolen followed the law, and nothing happened in any case.


Professor Jonathan Turley weighed in on Twitter. “The media is breathlessly reporting that, “Ginni Thomas tells Jan. 6 panel she still believes false election fraud claims,” as if it were a public confession of a reactionary resisting reeducation.

“CNN’s Jamie Gangel reported, “Chairman Bennie Thompson has also told reporters that she still believes the election was stolen, Jake. S …Ginni Thomas is still an election denier.”

“Ok, so what? Millions of people hold the same view. They have a right to hold that view. There was never any evidence that Thomas participated in any violence and had simply encouraged the White House and other officials to challenge the election.”

“The ‘so what’ is the media wants to make anything Republicans do into a crime.”

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1 year ago

Mrs Thomas is as Genuine as her Husband Clarence Thomas,

“Hats off to bother Clarence & Ginni Thomas.”

Thank U for standing for Truth & Justice,

Last edited 1 year ago by Jane
1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

It takes courage to stand in the face of a Justice system that has beed weaponized by one party against the other.FeaR NOT MADAME YOUR A PATREIOT AND A HERO IN MY OPINION. I am sure that the Kangaroo court packed with democrat hacks lead by a slug are seething that they could not stick you with something. Democrats

1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

…and the American Way. (Superman TV show intro.)

1 year ago

kudos to mrs thomas

1 year ago

Kudos to Mrs.Thomas.A lady of principles ,class and morals.All three missing from Democrats

Annie Cabral
Annie Cabral
1 year ago

Thank you Jesus for having people stand up to the truth nd their is millions more who feel the same as her nd I’m one of those millions knows it was stolen(election) nd this Jan 6 was a sit-up nd Biden nd his administration all knows it especially Pelosi but those who stand with Jesus the Truth is all going to come out nd those who is behind it all the Jan6 the 2020 election nd everything that’s happening right now to our country will be nd is in Gods hands nd He had enough of this evil people doing to our country nd the people of America ???????? and We who Stand with Trump nd stand behind MAGA will not stop praying ???? for our Lord Jesus to make it Righteousness nd Bring back America to be Great again Amen ????

1 year ago

I hope this unlawful/unconstitutional J6 Committee has to eat their lunch and regurgitates all the lies and innuendos they have made . Plus I hope they have to get down on their lying knees and have to apologize to all the innocent Gitmo Prisoners & AMERICAN ( DEPLORABLES) CITIZENS !!!!

1 year ago

“The ‘so what’ is the media wants to make anything Republicans do into a crime.”

This is the banner take-away. We can repeat over and over again. Communism = one=party rule aka Communist China, Communist Cuba, Communist California, and Communist New York, and Seattle, and Portland, and Chicago — and we see what utopias they are.

1 year ago

Thank you Ginni Thomas for tellling those idiots to get a life. And thank you for standing up to your principles in spite of the demogogery these idiots cling to.

1 year ago

I knew this was a joke of a committee as soon as I heard that the black racist bigot, Bennie Thompson, was the Chairman of the phony committee.

1 year ago
Reply to  John

The whole Hypocrite Party is a joke.

1 year ago

the media wants to make anything Republicans do into a crime,” and that is a fact.

1 year ago

Is anyone still watching that committee? It was all just another feeble attempt to find something to hang over Donald Trump. Just like the phony impeachments.