
BREAKING: Reps. Massie and Greene Co-Sponsoring Bill To Rescind Bannon and Navarro Subpoenas, Cancel Prison Terms

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A few days ago, we told you about a brilliant idea from Rep. Thomas Massie that could potentially get Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro completely free and clear.

Rep. Thomas Massie Has A Brilliant Idea To Immediately FREE Steve Bannon

I'll republish that report further down below in case you missed it.

Now today Reps. Massie and Greene are taking action and co-sponsoring a new Bill that will do exactly that.

Take a look:

MTG herself published this to Twitter:

I fully support and am co-sponsoring
@RepThomasMassie’s resolution to rescind the subpoenas for Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro by repudiating Nancy Pelosi’s illegitimate J6 committee.

Nancy Pelosi violated House rules by refusing to accept McCarthy’s appointed Republicans on the committee. Now, our Republican-led House must nullify any actions taken by the illegitimate J6 committee.

We must also hold the J6 Committee members accountable for the destruction of the committee’s records.

House Republicans need to start taking action!

The only problem?

Some believe Speaker Johnson is once again standing in the way to block this:

BREAKING: Thomas Massie makes move to FREE Steve Bannon by presenting a resolution to RESCIND the subpoena

The problem? MIKE JOHNSON!


Patriots everywhere should contact Mike Johnson and tell him to get off his ass: 202-225-2777


It should be noted that the "crimes" committed by Bannon and Navarro are EXACTLY what Merrick Garland just did....but since we have a two-tiered justice system Garland will not be punished.


We'll continue to monitor this story and bring you updates.

Here's more from our original report:

Rep. Thomas Massie Has A Brilliant Idea To Immediately FREE Steve Bannon

Free Steve Bannon!

Turns out there's a possible route to do this.

Rep. Thomas Massie points out the simple path.

Rescind the subpoena and repudiate the J6 committee.

We just need Congress to vote on this.

But how can we help?

Glad you asked.

Time to turn those phones you have into weapons against the Deep State...

and reach out to Speaker Mike Johnson.

ABC News reports:

A federal judge has ordered former Trump adviser Steve Bannon to surrender to prison by July 1, revoking his bail.

The Department of Justice had requested that Bannon begin his four-month prison term in connection with his contempt of Congress conviction.

U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols heard arguments Thursday in Washington, D.C.

Following the judge's ruling, Bannon spoke to cameras outside of the courthouse, reiterating his intent to appeal his conviction and attacking top officials at the Justice Department.

"All of this is about one thing. Shutting down the MAGA movement. Shutting down grassroots conservatives, shutting down President Trump," Bannon said.

"There's not a prison built or jail built that will ever shut me up," Bannon said.

Bannon was sentenced to four months for contempt of Congress in October 2022 after he was found guilty of defying a subpoena from the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, but Judge Nichols agreed to postpone the jail term while Bannon appealed the conviction.

After the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld Bannon's conviction last month, federal prosecutors requested that the judge order Bannon to begin his four-month sentence

Liberals were quick to say that MAGA had "a meltdown" over this.

Just remember, you're not allowed to be upset over our rights being trampled.

That makes you an extremist having a meltdown.

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