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Pelosi’s Neighbor Sounds Alarm On Bizarre Details Of Paul Pelosi Attack

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Suspicious mainstream media news reports are carrying a story that is almost impossible to grasp about the level of security at the San Francisco home of US Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and her husband, Paul Pelosi, was so minimalized that a bizarre break-in and attacked happened there recently.

Details of the attack have captured both the left and the right just days ahead of the midterm elections. Democrat Joe Biden is exploiting the intense interest in the story and using the media to promote his invented details of the ‘threats to Democrats’, to punish his political opponents and assign violent actions to Republicans.

Now we have proof that the government’s narrative about the amount of security at the house is not truthful, according to neighbors.

“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her husband, Paul Pelosi, had very tight security at their home and it has one former neighbor stunned that a break-in could happen at the house,” Carmine Sabia reported for the Conservative Brief, adding:

The former neighbor, Marjorie Campbell, said that neighbors’ computers would get scrambled due to security measures, and if a glass broke an alarm was sounded and there was an immediate police response, The Daily Mail reported. That is why she was stunned to read that Paul Pelosi had to call 911 himself to get the police to respond to David DePape breaking in and assaulting him.

“There were black cars outside that house, particularly up on Normandie Terrace, all of the time,” the 66-year-old said. “I don’t distinguish between her being there and not being there. There were always multiple cars. Everybody in the neighborhood had alarms on our windows. So if glass smashed, an alarm went off. We all had alarms that had chimed if the door opened or closed.”

Gavin DeBecker, who handled security for Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, said he was stunned at the security.

“There is absolutely no security assigned to the Pelosi house. There is security provided by the US Capitol Police for the Speaker of the House personally, with her when she travels or appears publicly, but no security is provided for spouses or family of members of Congress. So, there was no security to get around,” he said.

“I don’t know if a security system was on or not, but it appears not,” he said.

“I think it is likely that Paul Pelosi will receive some official protection for a time,” he said. “They also have the ability to hire security on their own, by which I mean they have the financial ability.”

The Department of Justice issued a press release on the suspect and the charges.

“A California man was charged today with assault and attempted kidnapping in violation of federal law in connection with the break-in at the residence of Nancy and Paul Pelosi in San Francisco on Friday,” the department said.

“According to the complaint, David Wayne DePape, 42, of Richmond, was arrested on Friday inside the Pelosi residence by San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) police officers responding to a 911 call from Paul Pelosi, husband of U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Paul Pelosi later described to police that he had been asleep when DePape, whom he had never seen before, entered his bedroom looking for Nancy Pelosi,” it said.

“According to the complaint, minutes after the 911 call, two police officers responded to the Pelosi residence where they encountered Paul Pelosi and DePape struggling over a hammer. Officers told the men to drop the hammer, and DePape allegedly gained control of the hammer and swung it, striking Pelosi in the head. Officers immediately restrained DePape, while Pelosi appeared to be unconscious on the ground. As set forth in the complaint, once DePape was restrained, officers secured a roll of tape, white rope, a second hammer, a pair of rubber and cloth gloves, and zip ties from the crime scene, where officers also observed a broken glass door to the back porch,” the department said.

“DePape is charged with one count of assault of an immediate family member of a United States official with the intent to retaliate against the official on account of the performance of official duties, which carries a maximum sentence of 30 years in prison. DePape is also charged with one count of attempted kidnapping of a United States official on account of the performance of official duties, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison,” it said.

“U.S. Attorney Stephanie M. Hinds for the Northern District of California, Special Agent in Charge Robert K. Tripp of the FBI San Francisco Field Office, and Chief J. Thomas Manger of the U.S. Capitol Police made the announcement,” the department said.

“The Special Prosecutions Section of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of California is prosecuting the case.

“The FBI San Francisco Field Office, the U.S. Capitol Police, and the San Francisco Police Department are investigating the case,” it said.

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1 year ago

Paul brought a play mate over to his house to play the corn hole game.