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Bombshell: CIA Officer Openly Confesses To Rigging 2020 Election For Joe Biden And Says They Would Do It Again

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A CIA officer has confessed that the ‘Deep State’ rigged the 2020 election in Joe Biden’s favor, and has boldly admitted that the agency would do it again.

Former CIA officer John Sipher claimed in a stunning Twitter thread that he took “particular joy” in discrediting the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” narrative and enthusiastically admitted to “shifting” the election away from Trump.

Sipher was among the many “intelligence experts” who falsely claimed the Hunter Biden laptop story from the New York Post back in October of 2020 was part of a “Russian disinformation campaign.” reports: A March 18th report from the New York Post mentioned how Sipher was among those “officials” who’d “signed a letter saying that the laptop ‘has the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.’”

Yet, these 51 purported intelligence experts didn’t have any evidence to back up their assertions at the time – they were merely operating off a convenient hunch that happened to behoove the Biden campaign right before the election.

This letter they’d all signed on to was published on October 19th of 2020, a mere five days after the New York Post dropped the bombshell story on the laptop that has since been validated by a myriad of outlets – to include the New York Times.

Clearly, the massive cover-up and attempts to discredit a valid report by clamoring about Russia during an election year had some consequences.

Come March 27th, Grenell shared a screenshot of Sipher’s Twitter account, writing, “lol. He signed the letter saying Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation.”

Sipher’s response seemed smug in nature, as he replied to Grenell stating that he bears a sense of pride that his own breed of disinformation resulted in impacting the election in Biden’s favor.

“I take special pride in personally swinging the election away from Trump. You’re welcome. Maybe cowardly Dick forgot he blocked me for the last several years and only unblocked me to give me credit for swinging the election.”

Of course, after smugly boasting about how he relishes the impacts caused by his and others’ false assertions regarding the Hunter Biden laptop story, he shared another post on Twitter trying to clean up his prior post.

“Just to be clear. Disingenuous Dick and his cronies are spinning this story by pretending the letter said something it didn’t say. Didn’t say the laptop wasn’t Biden’s but that Russia and the right-wing were exploring and amplifying the story for disinformation purposes.”

The irony of Sipher prefacing the post with “Just to be clear” to go on and deliver the most nonsensical art of the spin is the chef’s kiss in all this. Sipher is claiming that he and others didn’t claim “the laptop wasn’t Biden’s” but merely that “the story” was shared for “disinformation purposes.”

That makes zero sense considering the October 2020 report from the New York Post was about the Hunter Biden laptop and the contents and communications discovered on it. The laptop was the story – to call the “exploring and amplifying” of the report “disinformation” is to quite literally call the laptop itself a piece of disinformation.

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2 years ago

Maybe he should be brought up charges when President Trump gets back into office!

2 years ago
Reply to  Elaine


2 years ago
Reply to  NobodySAIDboo

Are you laughing about how a sick man was installed illegally? Just asking!

2 years ago
Reply to  DianeC

im laughing about how you tards think there is some kind of justice in this *kosher bullshit farce we live in
dont you know we are occupied?
havent you been walking this earth for at least a couple decades as an adult?
embrace reality

Bob DoleD
Bob Dole
2 years ago
Reply to  m19

The Demonrats stole the 2020 election. I am an adult. An open southern border, the destruction of our energy, record high inflation, record high in crime, a corrupt goon in the WH among most of our government, a world about to explode so no I do not embrace this nightmarish reality you libtard.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bob Dole

You’re not acting like an adult hy calling names.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bob Dole

What you have said is all true, but its Not going to end the way you think it is!
NOT any man.

Jesus bruhD
Jesus bruh
2 years ago
Reply to  m19

The Kalergi-Kissinger’d USA, downhill steadily since terminating JFK, then for free, terminating the USS Liberty for gadzooks, reporting on Israeli nukes.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jesus bruh

The JEWS are the problem, have been for thousands of years! Amen

1 year ago
Reply to  John

How are the Jews the problem?

5 months ago
Reply to  ron

Not Jews but Zionists PRETENDING to be Jews. Jesus even warned to beware of the Synagogue of Satan NOT being Jews.
Zionists are the Problem, they are who are running our CIA, our wars, overthrowing every country. They are Khazarians (UKRAINIANS GENETICALLY) who CONVERTED to Jews in 1800’s. They then demanded to steal Palestine, slaughtered them for their land. Now they want to return to Ukraine for all the TRILLIONS of resources needed for their “Green Agenda”. They have been REVERSE MIGRAITING to Ukraine since they OVERTHREW IT IN A COUE IN 2013. They have an entire plan, network, new government being installed in Ukraine to take over ONCE THEY HAVE LIQUIDATED EVERY UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN (over 1million so far). It’s called “The Heavenly JERUSALEM PROJECT” Henry Kissenger help set up the entire plan and told the NYT in 2012. Everyone will be glad the wars stop and won’t question ISRAEL STARTED IT ALL & AMERICA TAX PAYERS PAID FOR AN ENTIRE NEW COUNTRY TO BE SET UP AND AN ENTIRE CHRISTIAN NATION WAS EXTERMINATED. The ONLY ones allowed to flee Ukraine was Ukrainian Jews. The project had its own channel on youtube documenting EVERYTHING & There will be a panel of 13 leaders all Zionist & Netanyahu is one. The main guy over seeing it, chose Zelensky to act as a leader until they are done.

1 year ago
Reply to  m19

But JESUS CHRIST is about to straighten a lot of that out!
Most will Not be happy with what is coming!!! Amen

11 months ago
Reply to  John

Wasn’t Jesus Jewish ?

Cion E Lee
Cion E Lee
11 months ago
Reply to  m19

To think that we can never win and make changes is just too sad. We have to have something to look forward to. Being rude with your comments gets you no where. Ever heard of attracting more flies with honey? Name calling and such just makes people think your ignorant.

2 years ago
Reply to  DianeC

im laughing about how you tards think there is some kind of justice in this *kosher bullshit farce we live in
dont you know we are occupied?
havent you been walking this earth for at least a couple decades as an adult?
embrace reality

2 years ago
Reply to  ggg

And why do you think so many Americans fought to get President Trump in office? Or haven’t you yet noticed how awful our lives are now that President Trump was cheated out of his second term in office?

1 year ago
Reply to  DianeC

But your still thinking way to small, come out of the Box!!! Amen

D war
D war
1 year ago
Reply to  John

On the money there is a much bigger enemy we must quietly turn focus too!!

2 years ago
Reply to  ggg

R U ggg or m19?

Bob DoleD
Bob Dole
2 years ago
Reply to  ggg

Embrace reality? LOL. You’re as FAKE as CNN.

2 years ago
Reply to  Elaine

How about this jerk being brought up in charges NOW? And why is this demented nut currently in office when the election was rigged?

Sherry Wilson
Sherry Wilson
2 years ago
Reply to  DianeC

I also was just notified via Rumble that Biden and all people that had anything to do with this stolen election have been arrested and on board a freight liner outside of GITMO awaiting military tribunal for TREASON!

2 years ago
Reply to  Sherry Wilson

You’ve been fed a pile of bovine excrement…Do not ingest it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sherry Wilson

I heard that as well. Now if it’s only true? You do know the FBI lost Hunter’s laptop?

2 years ago
Reply to  Sherry Wilson


2 years ago
Reply to  Sherry Wilson

It’s from a text message on 11/5/2020 sent from Virginia Thomas to Mark Meadows. It wasn’t true then and it’s not true now.
Any mention of Gitmo is never true. Just leftover rumors from the QAnon psyops crew.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mickeydoo

Dis agree,
Things are happening it it needs to become public NOW!

1 year ago
Reply to  Sherry Wilson

Pray its True?

2 years ago
Reply to  DianeC

No evidence of voter fraud

2 years ago
Reply to  Buck


2 years ago
Reply to  Buck

F.BUCK Buck is full of shit as a constipated elephant! And this POS has in my opinion come forward now because he is trying to save his ass from getting the rope system! In my opinion he needs to get the firing squad !!!

1 year ago
Reply to  A.M. Smith

The SPIRITUALLY Blind are Not ment to SEE!!! AMEN

2 years ago
Reply to  Buck

Really?? There’s so much they can prove beyond doubt. Many people are about to face military tribunals for their participation. Sorry snowflake your heroes are about to get their due judgement.

Karl Landgren
Karl Landgren
2 years ago
Reply to  Buck

Ever considered embracing reality?

Alan Gould
Alan Gould
2 years ago
Reply to  Buck

There wouldn’t be Cuck when your head is up your own arse????
Or watching CNN, which is the same thing????

Victor Avera
Victor Avera
2 years ago
Reply to  Buck

LOL, except for the evidence of Actual Fraud committed by Socialist Nazi that call themselves Democrats and lefties. You do love being trapped in “Big Lie”, deep state got you by the balls.

1 year ago
Reply to  Buck

In your drug induced Fantasy land I’m sure there isn’t!
Bad luck with that!!! Amen

11 months ago
Reply to  Buck

not one case at all of voter fraud huh? It’s a perfect system? We all know that’s not true so the only people claiming there is zero voter fraud are the ones trying to capitalize off it. It’s just common sense buddy

Arsenio Patricio
Arsenio Patricio
2 years ago
Reply to  DianeC

I understand Trump wanted to expose these Demonic bunch of pieces of sh*ts but I think we know enough and heard enough it’s time to get these mother fuckers and hang them all and let’s start all over maybe others would think differently if they tried doing the same thing…….. Trump needs to go and grab that fool by the neck and take over can’t tell me that we’re going to wait till 2024 because then that’s some BS

2 years ago

It’s not just the Dems. Cheney, Romney, Graham, McConnell, Pence. Shall I go on?

1 year ago
Reply to  DianeC

Because most Americans are brain DEAD beer swillers, that never leave thier couch!

louis bailey
2 years ago
Reply to  Elaine

This is treason – when engaging in either domestic and/or international ‘treason’ under the United States Constitution the death penalty can and may be carried out.

By his own omission and that if what has been being released as a result of, at least, the Durham investigation that makes President Trump’s accusations indeed factual as under Ric Grenell, Acting Directo of National Intelligence (he started the ball roilling) and when the permanent position of same was filled by John Ratcliffe, Director of National Intelligence, DNI Ratcliff forwarded it as a crime, subject to further investigation, and thereafter prosecution, every time it was found that a crime had been committed therefore to A.G. Barr and in turn to Spevial Prosecutor John Durham who as we see is making criminal referrals. Merritt Garland, current A.G. would be committing his own treasonous suicide should he impede Special Prosecutor Durham because he would in essence be condoning any laws that are proven broken as well as conspiracy to defraud and the potential of breaking the federal r.i.c.o. act.

They, the dirty dems and rino’s, are being exposed dailyandvthey are trying to scorch earth our country!!

Also, they condoned and encouraged antifs and blm violence andvthe federal govt – executive, legislative and judicial bad players have so much to account for!!

2 years ago
Reply to  louis bailey

BLM I’m all for it, cause (B)idens (L) aptop (M)atters. 2 1/2 years ago I told all who would listen. Wait for WLM, it’s worse than BLM. (W)ieners (L) aptop (M)atters. HUMA/Hillary = Frazzle Drip.

2 years ago
Reply to  Elaine

eh.. taken to the firing squad would be better,, him and the few hundred traitors known as congress, and many more

Karen Sweatman
Karen Sweatman
2 years ago
Reply to  Elaine

Do you think they don’t have plans to rig midterms and 24 as well? Republicans will do what they always do, which is nothing.

1 year ago
Reply to  Karen Sweatman

Pretty sure midterms will Not happen, get ready cause here it comes!

1 year ago
Reply to  Elaine

He fucking better be..

1 year ago
Reply to  Elaine

I am making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning $16,000 a month by working on a laptop, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply.
Everybody must try this job now by just using this website..

Last edited 1 year ago by Anna
2 years ago

When does this guy get indicted for election fraud? What – are all the crimes being reserved for Trump and his supporters and the Deep State/Democrats can do whatever they please, to hell with the American people?

2 years ago
Reply to  Hank

Well the people needed to see for their self . I believe the indictments are for real .
Let him brag about his crimes . Hillary did .

2 years ago
Reply to  Hank

How about treason, he participated in the overthrow of a president. That’s treason. Time for the rope.

2 years ago
Reply to  Cash

“The rope” could be why this is on today’s menu? President Biden Signs Emmett Till Antilynching Act |

2 years ago
Reply to  Nunya

Buck O’Fiden first off there is no such person as President O’Biden, There is a pedodent child molester oops was a pedodent he was put down a yr and half ago we now have an Imposter-dent

2 years ago
Reply to  Nunya

Ask yourself this? Why were Dem….trying to pass a no lynching law?….It’s so much deeper then people know….. Anyone involved in harming a child in any sick .. perverted way …hangmen high and leave them for the rest to see. God Forgive Me for my anger…

1 year ago
Reply to  Rhonda


1 year ago
Reply to  Nunya

Yeah that will stop the executions???
There are many ways to kill a RAT FINK TRAITOR!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Hank

They’ll probably launch a two-year investigation into him confessing to it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Steve

LOL, Yeah and prove he lied about confessing !

1 year ago
Reply to  Steve

If they’er given the chance, you are right!
With no outcome!

2 years ago
Reply to  Hank

I don’t know if you no it or not dude, But Trumps supporters are the American People! And they are more of the perps going to tribunals than you know! You might want to go to, some say its fake but plz advised the Military and the peps you read about there would never stand for of it wasn’t true!!!

2 years ago

And why does this “intelligence official of the US” proudly display the Communist Hammer & Sickle in his banner? Goodness — we live in upside-down land for sure.

Buck O'Fama
Buck O'Fama
2 years ago
Reply to  OleDad

Good catch! His actions betray which team he plays for.
Symbolism will be their downfall.

2 years ago
Reply to  Buck O'Fama

If he is arrogant enough to admit his part of crime against America and his treason.

I would really prefer that a wood chipper be his downfall.

2 years ago
Reply to  Unlisted

The wood chipper is my personal favorite .

2 years ago
Reply to  Magik

I’m guessing that’s your accomplice there in the wood chipper? Oh for Pete’s sake… why couldn’t they have named this movie “MIAMI”?

Steve Ginn
Steve Ginn
2 years ago
Reply to  Unlisted

And fed feet first!

2 years ago
Reply to  Steve Ginn

That way they get to watch (and snap a selfie) as their feet and legs become chopped liver.

Paul D.
Paul D.
2 years ago
Reply to  Unlisted

For some reason I can’t like your comment, but I do like it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Unlisted

Well you see they bastards have been given the option of coming forward and and saving their r ass from the Gallows! There has already been several necks stretched,

1 year ago
Reply to  OleDad


2 years ago

These people need to be shot!! No if ands or doubts about it!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Terry

Need to be shot. You advocate a law and order president but you want these people shot without going through due process? You Trumpkins are a mysterious bunch.

Paul D.
Paul D.
2 years ago
Reply to  Buck

We’re certainly building back better aren’t we.

2 years ago
Reply to  Buck

Buck u r an libturd, Execution is the law! You are living proof that liberalism is a mental disorder! These bastards took an oath to uphold the constitution of the US of A, And helped to put a brain dead PEDO in office that has done more damage to the US of A than any other Prick-a-dent in history with the exception of the Kenyon!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Buck

Unlike you and your bunch. There’s little intrigue to be found among the retarded.

1 year ago
Reply to  Buck

MORON troll!

2 years ago

Sipher et al should be prosecuted. He’s admitting to a whole list of crimes.

2 years ago
Reply to  adam

Sipher is a fictitious name . enVolve posts nothing but fiction.

1 year ago
Reply to  Buck

Its short for lou sipher, or LOSERFER

2 years ago

wow CIA = deep state fake news augh!
(except in this instance you should believe me because i am the CIA)

2 years ago

These 51 purported intelligence experts all need to spend many years in prison for their treasonous actions. 

2 years ago
Reply to  surlycurmudgen

I believe the punishment for treason is execution….

Seaman Spermer
Seaman Spermer
2 years ago
Reply to  a_3_c_6

The war on terror has never been rescinded. That’s treason during wartime and is an automatic execution.

2 years ago
Reply to  Seaman Spermer

And this short vid. will explain why John McAmnesty Cain was put down! Ho colloberated with the enemy!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  surlycurmudgen

Do you want your tax dollars to feed these bastards for the rest of their lives? That meat grinder is a great idea then give the meat to Micky-d’s and they can make hamburgers, Just so you know they have been making human burgers for yr’s already!!!

2 years ago

Its all coming out now. Just pouring out. Just like they said it would. We are witnessing the beginning of the end of the Deep State that will take years to finally accomplish.

Buck O'Fama
Buck O'Fama
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas

Perhaps we could speed that process by enlisting our ally (Russia) to assist in the mop-up after they finish de-nazifying Ukieville?

2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas

Every sheriff in the land can act . They are being sent the proof .

2 years ago
Reply to  Magik

Nope…still no proof yet…just baseless claims

2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas

The statute of limitations means they cannot be arrested so these traitors are glibly bragging about how fetid and corrupt and vile they are and were.

David Smith
David Smith
2 years ago
Reply to  bbb

Treason isn’t on the statute

2 years ago
Reply to  bbb

LOL, There are no statute on treason and fraud! These bastards swore an Oath and broke it into little pieces!!!

Sherry Wilson
Sherry Wilson
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas


2 years ago

well they DID 911 and it worked so very well they did Covid and it worked so very very well they did Ukraine and so on and so forth.

Buck O'Fama
Buck O'Fama
2 years ago
Reply to  NobodySAIDboo


warren wayne adkins
warren wayne adkins
2 years ago

Arrest and execute him NOW

Big Island Haole
Big Island Haole
2 years ago

I know if you were after me, I would like a Trial first. just sayin. Maybe this cia guy’s lies are maliciously intended to terrorize and psychologically get you angry. Be careful. Remember they topple country after country, they are using all that stuff on US now.

Make him prove his claim in a court.

warren wayne adkins
warren wayne adkins
2 years ago

IT is time to die bitch

2 years ago

Just another disgusting jew

2 years ago

You see what this POS and his cronies have done to this country?? As far as I’m concerned this was TREASON of the highest order and deserves the maximum punishment!!

2 years ago

What is being DONE.
is this Venezuela.??

Capt Gene
Capt Gene
2 years ago
Reply to  Jane

YES. No one is coming to help us it is up to us.

2 years ago

This show more than anything that the Criminal In Action is the deep state. If Trump gets back in his number one priority should be the dismantling of the CIA and the FBI. Both agencies are UNCONSTITUTIONAL because they do not follow the law and are treasonous.

Dianne Rhinesmith
Dianne Rhinesmith
2 years ago

Maybe Sipher shouldn’t pat himself on the back because actually Trump won.

dennis morrisseau
2 years ago


2 years ago

Sipher is a true card-carrying communist whose loyalty to the New World Order for greed made him a traitor to the United States. He should NEVER have been employed by the CIA and never allowed to interfere with US elections.
To say he would do it again is probably honest and shows how completely corrupt and dangerous to this nation he is.
Pray, people for God’s help and His miracles to preserve One Nation Under God on the North American continent.

Donald Nicholas
Donald Nicholas
2 years ago

Is there anyone who didn’t already know this? Well, outside of the basic democrat voter waiting for the MSM to allow it to clear censorship.

Ray Stewart
Ray Stewart
2 years ago

These traitorous clowns need to be rounded up and executed.

2 years ago

Interesting how they openly brag about election fraud and passing misinformation and still the courts and democratic citizens just choose to ignore it. 2022 and 2024 elections are in deep trouble if the media and government entities let it happen again!

Fuck Traitors
Fuck Traitors
2 years ago

Maybe somebody should just kill the fucking traitor

Cindy Dandrea
2 years ago


2 years ago

Arrest this pos now and string him up for what he did to this country. And the pos said he would do it again. This traitor and his cohorts need to be drawn and quartered and their carcasses left for the buzzards to feast on.

2 years ago

This man should be arrested NOW!

2 years ago

This cocksucker thinks they are untouchable. Oh, how wrong you are little man.
I am an American Special Forces Soldier!
I will do all that my nation requires of me. I am a volunteer, knowing well the hazards of my profession.
I serve with the memory of those who have gone before me. I pledge to uphold the honor and integrity of their legacy in all that I am – in all that I do.
I am a warrior. I will teach and fight whenever and wherever my nation requires. I will strive always to excel in every art and artifice of war.
I know that I will be called upon to perform tasks in isolation, far from familiar faces and voices. With the help and guidance of my faith, I will conquer my fears and succeed.
I will keep my mind and body clean, alert and strong. I will maintain my arms and equipment in an immaculate state befitting a Special Forces Soldier, for this is my debt to those who depend upon me.
I will not fail those with whom I serve. I will not bring shame upon myself or Special Forces.
I will never leave a fallen comrade. I will never surrender though I am the last. If I am taken, I pray that I have the strength to defy my enemy.
I am a member of my Nation’s chosen soldiery, I serve quietly, not seeking recognition or accolades. My goal is to succeed in my mission – and live to succeed again.
De Oppresso Liber

TICK TOCK, you cock were coming…

2 years ago
Reply to  CpB

That gave me goosebumps. May God bless you and keep you, make his face shine upon you, and give you peace.
Thank you soldier, for your service. From the depths of my heart. You are the best part of the American spirit.
There are millions of us in America that though we did not take the same oath, believe in fighting for ours, that would stand with you.
Because this is OUR country…NOT some “elite” scumbags with a lot of money.

2 years ago
Reply to  CpB

So you like gladiator movies, do ya?

General Averyius
General Averyius
2 years ago

High Treason is to be punished only in one way: DEATH!!! Bring me the wood, the ropes, the nails, the wedges, the hammers and THE ROMAN FLAGELLUM!!! I will be only too happy to carry out the brutal scourging followed by the hammering in the nails through their hands and feet! Or maybe a nice night time burning at the stake or some feeding to wild hungry animals like lions in a big amphitheatre with thousands of MAGA spectators and Emperor Trump up in the Emperors loge !!!

Last edited 2 years ago by General Averyius
2 years ago

I’ve got the wood and a hammer, can you put me up for the night? –JC

2 years ago

So, this is treason. Anyone doing anything about it?

2 years ago

I am sure his name will be included in DJT’s RICO lawsuit.

Dennis Patrick Spain
2 years ago

Go to hell, you son of a bitch! The CIA and the Federal Reserve have done more to harm this country than ANY foreign entity, by far!

David G.
David G.
2 years ago

Is Military still woke? looks like they have trouble identifying American traitors who essentially pick out a dangerous commander in chief for them who wasn’t duly elected by Americans, do your damn job before you lose your country!!

Big Island Haole
Big Island Haole
2 years ago
Reply to  David G.

If I could wave my magic talking stick, I would re-form the Military. all that lgbt+aids will be gone. no commie no marxist no socialist no globalist no nazi no lenonist no maoist no terrorist no pedoist no identity frauds. To start off with a new oath to address these new threats, and with Title IX (in the 80s) rollback on how things are supposed to work with boys and girls again.

2 years ago

Like to “wave that magic talking stick” of yours on city buses, do ya?

tom storm
tom storm
2 years ago

firing squad.. was brought back..

2 years ago

Whynisnt this asshole arrested. Our Nation is so f ed up

2 years ago
Reply to  DEE VEEDER

its all BS – All these cia guys are phonies

Big Island Haole
Big Island Haole
2 years ago
Reply to  scott

Hunter’s laptop is the Caboose. Those encrypted diplomatic phones 2012-2013 are the NAZI Azov train.

2 years ago

Hunter’s caboose will be seeing plenty of action once he’s in the slammer.

Gary Kissick
2 years ago

No one asks the question: “When in Presidential History has a Presidential Candidate come out at 1am. and say Stop the Ballot Counting and Resume Counting Tomorrow!” … Joe Biden did exactly this and No One Questioned his 1am. speech which was the “Code to Start Bringing in the Corrupt Ballots” that were to be added and counted the next day! ..

2 years ago

A very special kind of stupid, right there folkls.

2 years ago

China is SO going to end up running the united states….

2 years ago

One more name President Trump can add to his massive lawsuit.
Sipher can expect a phone call from Hillary.

2 years ago

If a government official can do this and it isn’t treasonous war against the states that hold the elections he should be ashamed of the government he is part of. That is garbage acting…..

Lyudmila Loseva
2 years ago

What’s going on with America? How could it be that a CIA scumbag is openly admitting in the media that the CIA stole America’s 2020 election and claims they will steal it again? Why did America surrender without a fight to these scoundrels?

Big Island Haole
Big Island Haole
2 years ago

They toppled country after country and stole the covert op’s server out of nancy pelosi’s office on Jan 6th refreshing their plate. Although low IQ they are emboldened now. They are trying to topple America. They are trying to gladio their way to destroyed cities, and picked thru government

Nobody surrendered nothing to these dimwits. . There just isn’t an organized sheriff and possy.

Big Island Haole
Big Island Haole
2 years ago

Former CIA officer John Sipher is a liar, Let’s see him prove he did it, I say it’s a combination of Dominion (serbia, pakistan, china), and ESS/Scytle (Pete Butiegeige/Malta/diplomatic immunity), MAIL-IN (broken chain of custody) and Ballot harvesting.

So let this former CIA officer prove he ain’t a liar. IF he doesn’t have IP’s from serbia, pakistan, china, and Malta, I call him out as a fraud, liar.

Also I suspect, He’s trying to get you mad and violent and arrested.

Big Island Haole
Big Island Haole
2 years ago

All this election fraud becomes a moot point.

Simply, disqualify all commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi lenonist maoist pedoist or identity fraud’s from American ballots.

Better do it fast before next election.

Big Island Haole
Big Island Haole
2 years ago

He’s Atlantic Council, and they’re already on my blacklist.

Big Island Haole
Big Island Haole
2 years ago

Also, he just got funded by the 14 billion to Ukraine, that comes straight to CIA who supports AZOV NAZIS, so up go all the billboards to Stand with Ukraine Nazis who have done war crimes.

That’s who Mr John Sipher is.

Big Island Haole
Big Island Haole
2 years ago

I bet that 14 billion To Ukraine, re-filled the banks of His transnational terrorists BLM/Antifa.

With the State Department’s sanction of these Transnational terrorists BLM/ANTIFA/MuJahadeen/ISIS/Taliban/CARTELS in our streets funded by Soros and this Ukrainian Nazi snafu now.

Dear USACE please build, a large underground prison for all of these agencies.

Cowboy Bob
2 years ago

As an Irish American, I can confirm that Joe Biden is a MORON. ☘️

2 years ago

This SOB and the others with him, no need for a trial. Let US the PEOPLE at him. We will tear him apart and the rest of the evil bastards in the USA. We will throw their bodies to the pumas and wolves. Shite we do that waont be anyone left in the DC Swamp. Hey thats a good idea!

Phil CruzD
Phil Cruz
2 years ago

Soulless, Porcine eyes.

James Stamulis
James Stamulis
2 years ago

I would take great joy in putting a cap right between your eyes you Nazi traitor! I did not realize the CIA hires complete idiots but you are living proof!

Let's go
Let's go
2 years ago

This act was treasonous. If this is coming out now, he’s probably already used his forehead for a bullet backstop or maybe his neck as a rope stretcher. This story is just to po the sleeping.

2 years ago

Sipher is a lying piece of crap and is emblematic of why our intelligence services need to be dismantled. Intelligence is supposed to protect US citizens not be involved in partisan politics and cheating in elections. Disband them all including FISA courts.

2 years ago

Yeah, so what’s going to be done about it? Nothing.

William Snedden
William Snedden
2 years ago

The 2020 election must be overturned. The evidence of wide spread fraud & foreign interference is unquestionable.

2 years ago

If true,,,how is the end result anything different than Russia or China would do? Can the U.S. claim free & fair elections anymore? Looks like some smaller group within the U.S. has decided that THEIR interests are more important than voters. I’m relatively certain I know who is at the center of all this and it’s not a current member of government. The question becomes,,,,how do we as citizens, mandate

A) Detailed observation of elections while in process – Last election the monitors in key precincts were NOT allowed to REASONABLY monitor the process.

B) Audit the results – There needs to be new machines,,,,developed & assembled within the U.S., verified by an independent technology auditing firm and software that logs any outside access or USB usage.

We can send a rover to Mars, conduct surgery from across the globe & decode DNA….To suggest we can’t develop an election process that’s 100% secure is absurd.

2 years ago

So this treasonous POS is proud that he facilitated getting the potato in the White House elected and now we are on the verge of ww3 because of his actions. Got it!

2 years ago
Reply to  G H

“…didn’t have any evidence to back up their claims at the time – they were only operating off a suitable hunch…” – Sounds just like Rudy G.