

Disgusting Journalist Receives Massive Blowback After Visiting Home Of Paramedic Who Donated $10 To Kyle Rittenhouse Defense Fund

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A journalist was roundly condemned after visiting the home of a paramedic in Utah who donated $10 to Kyle Rittenhouse’s legal defense fund, with many asking why posting images of the man’s home didn’t violate Twitter’s policy on doxxing and harassment.

The incident occurred after the Guardian newspaper published the names of individuals who had donated to Rittenhouse following a data breach from a Christian crowdfunding website.

Among those names was West Valley City, Utah paramedic Craig Shepherd, who immediately became the target of an attempt by ABC4 reporter Jason Nguyen to further expose his identity.

“A Utah paramedic donated to the defense fund of Kyle Rittenhouse. It was first reported in the @guardian this morning,” tweeted Nguyen, claiming, “I tried to get the paramedics side of things.”

In trying to “get the paramedics side of things,” Nguyen tweeted a photo of Shepherd’s front door, making his location easily discoverable.

Numerous respondents immediately accused Nguyen as hiding behind journalism as an excuse to carry out stalking, harassment and doxxing.

Others pointed out that despite Twitter repeatedly suspending or banning conservative media outlets like Project Veritas for doorstepping public officials and other prominent figures, they took no action whatsoever against Nguyen for doxxing Craig Shepherd.

Indeed, when the list of names was leaked, Twitter chose to make the issue one of its top trending subjects.

Thanks to Nguyen’s brave reporting, West Valley City Fire Department is now conducting an investigation into Shepherd’s $10 donation and has placed him on administrative leave, with his job now in jeopardy.

Predictably, Nguyen chose to ignore the most hard hitting criticism and only respond to an angry troll to make himself appear as the victim while using the late death of his mother as a shield for criticism.

As Glenn Greenwald highlighted, Nguyen is following in the fine tradition of CNN, who doorstepped and harassed an elderly lady in 2018 for contributing to a pro-Trump Facebook page.

Is it any wonder why trust in media is so low and disgust for journalists so high when their primary purpose now appears to revolve around destroying people’s lives for the sin of expressing dissident opinions?

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