

Gun Owners Of America Warns Of Restrictive Gun Laws Democrats Hid In The Omnibus Bill

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The Gun Owners of America said that two new restrictive gun measures were slipped into the spending bill. It’s important that people contact their senators to stop these two new federal gun laws. They’re bad on a number of counts. For one, they negate local and state gun laws and for another, they put local police in the control of ATF for the purpose of enforcing these laws. It gives ATF too much power. It’s the camel’s nose under the tent.

They are in the 2400-2700-page Omnibus that will be passed in the Senate next week. Thirty-nine Republicans voted for it. They might not know they are in it. They didn’t have time to read the bill.

Local Police to Enforce ATF Gun Control

The government spending bill’s Section 1103 contains funding for ATF to begin deputizing local law enforcement officers to enforce federal gun control laws. ATF can also appoint local government attorneys to help prosecute the enforcement of this gun control as well.

This runs in direct contradiction to the Second Amendment Sanctuary laws that GOA has been pushing around the country at the state and local levels.

States like Missouri and Idaho have passed the STRONGEST Second Amendment Protection laws which prohibit funding for gun control and/or include criminal or civil penalties for government agents and/or agencies that enforce unconstitutional gun control. More than a dozen other states have similar statutes.

And yet, Congress is facilitating the enforcement of federal gun laws with local ATF deputies!

It will negate those laws.

Take action and tell Congress to STRIP this anti-Second Amendment section from the appropriations bill.

Background Checks Made Worse

Sections 1101-1102 of the bill are known as the NICS Denial Notification Act to make the existing background check system even WORSE.

The current NICS background check system is broken beyond belief.

Nine out of ten times, when someone is denied a gun purchase by the NICS system, it’s a law-abiding citizen who was wrongly denied their right to purchase a firearm.

Because the vast majority of NICS denials each year are false positives, the government gets less than a few dozen convictions of prohibited persons stupid enough to try to buy a gun at a gun store.

Even so, Congress seems intent on passing the NICS Denial Notification Act which instructs ATF to help local law enforcement launch CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS into each NICS denial—including all false-positive denials.

So, if this passes, you better hope the NICS system doesn’t falsely deny you your next gun purchase!

Please, take action to help us prevent this from becoming law!

House Republicans Who Voted FOR Gun Control

Here is a list of the 39 Republicans in the House of Representatives who voted FOR criminal investigations into 100% of false-positive background check denials and FOR your local police to be deputized as ATF agents:

If any of these pro-gun control GOP represent you in Congress, GOA’s action alert will send them a special message to scold them for their opposition to the Second Amendment.

Help Us Hold Congress Accountable!

The Senate will vote on the government funding bill before Wednesday of next week—so there isn’t much time.

But, just yesterday a few Representatives were loud enough and fought hard enough that Biden’s updated COVID relief was struck from the bill.

In the Senate, earmarks and all sorts of nonsense are being negotiated as we speak!

There is still time for Congress to strip gun control from this funding bill.

That’s why it’s critical for you and every gun owner you know to take action to oppose this bill.

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2 years ago

Democrats want people unarmed if possible. Guess what they’d do next…..

The True Nolan
The True Nolan
2 years ago
Reply to  YumaJoy

What would they do? Something that people would never allow if they were armed.

2 years ago
Reply to  YumaJoy

Push RED FLAG LAWS like Trump did with Ivanka? Tell FineSWINE to take guns first and pass laws later like Trump did?

Timothy Colbath
Timothy Colbath
2 years ago

Factually speaking you are 100% wrong. It is Hunter Biden that broke multiple gun laws and has never been charged for them. Lying on form 4473 is a felony. It asks if a person is an illegal drug user – Hunter marked “NO” to that question. Furthermore he allowed a gun that belonged to him to be ‘thrown-away’ in a dumpster next to a school. That is another felony.

2 years ago

you follow hearsay well,lol

2 years ago
Reply to  YumaJoy

do tell us .

Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
2 years ago

No surprise there… Democrats are famous for huge bills that have parts in them that chisel away at a citizens rights…

2 years ago
Reply to  Jacques Merde

Like Trump and his bump stock ban? Like Trumps RED FLAG LAWS with Ivanka??

2 years ago

My grandfather said in 1921 and all his life, the only good politician/judge (dem) is a dead one…why we would ask that way they can no steala from you no more. How true how true but not just dems also gop. Time to start doing what the french did peoples court people judge and not some schmuck, and all found guilty, no jail just OFF W THEIR HEADS. French took 25000 be we can do 2.5 million

2 years ago

Do people not GET how rabidly ANTI-GUN Epstein GUILTY Trumpy actually IS? Who passed the BUMP STOCK BAN making gun owners instant felons after the Vegas FARCE??? Trump. Who with their Princess INCEST daughter Ivanka the kabbalist pushed commie RED FLAG gun grab laws after the Parkland FL FIASCO? Trump. Who told Diane FineSWINE to: “TAKE GUNS FIRST, PASS LAWS LATER” Trumpy Who validated FALSE FLAG shootings like the ‘Tree of Life SIN-A-GOGUE’ in NJ which was a LIVE FIRE EXERCISE? Trump. He also validated the El Paso FALSE FLAG which saw 3 other gunmen dressed in black. (ISRAELIS??)  Trump is the same deep state GARBAGE we’ve always HAD! GET IT? 

Timothy Colbath
Timothy Colbath
2 years ago

Got it. You’re a misinformed, sad person with a sever case of TDS.

2 years ago

you obviously are a trumptard. they are known for being witless

2 years ago

hilarious! blame the democraps and excuse rethuglicans who did not read it. these “bills” are always stuffed with pork. no voting should be allowed unless the bill’s are read and presented to the public.

2 years ago

I recently read a piece saying that the ATF wanted gun registration enacted because law enforcement needs to be aware of this information and yet from all the information I’ve been reading even though laws are put into place it doesn’t stop fake information to get filed. In addition it seems to me everything seems to be about how everything is interpreted and who gets that information and why. The real criminals always seem to have a one up for some very disturbing reason. I’m just a skeptic, prove me wrong. In addition a real criminal knows how to get around the laws, and how many laws does one need to just do what is required to keep the general public safe. Consider all the agencies we have now and how blatantly corrupt it is. No specific sources noted, just common sense. Once again, it’s not the gun that did the crime, it’s the criminal or the victim whose own fear abused another’s freedom. Honest people will be accountable and dishonest, well, you can figure it out I think.