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California University Offers Faculty $1,200 To Learn How To ‘Eradicate Whiteness’

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While the Left continues to gaslight Americans that Critical Race Theory (CRT) isn’t being taught to our children, California State University East Bay faculty members are being offered $1,200 if they take professional “anti-racism” development courses this summer and continue to work on their projects through the school year,” The College Fix reports.

The stipends go to professors and instructors who attend the “Anti-Racist Liberatory Pedagogy Academy” this July.

The brochure from Professor G.T. Reyes said that CRT IS “a race-conscious framework that examines the ways that whiteness is normalized in our country and in our University.”

“Critical Race Theory takes an intersectional approach to interrogating race and racism in the United States,” the info sheet also said. Professor Reyes did not respond to a June 23 email that asked for a definition of “whiteness” and how many professors were enrolled.

Participants will confront the question of how they can “also aim towards liberatory conditions where whiteness has been eradicated.”

“Participants will receive a $600 participant stipend for completion of the summer portion and a second $600 stipend for the completion of the follow up work through the Spring semester,” Professor Michael Lee wrote in a May promotional email reviewed by The College Fix.

Imagine thinking America is a “white supremacist” society when all our universities are teaching how to “eradicate whiteness.”

Tuition at East Bay is $7k, or nearly $17k for out-of-state students with food and housing.

Here’s some highlights from Reyes’ Twitter:

Life in proximity to whiteness is a constant struggle for such a deep thinker as Reyes.

Children are “complicit.”

As are all white people.

No wonder they have to pay people to take this course!

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