

Bombshell Report Finds 12,547 Illegal Votes In Georgia Election, Enough To Swing State

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An audit conducted by election integrity organization, Look Ahead America (LAA), has found over 12,000 ballots that were cast illegally in the state of Georgia, which would exceed the margin of victory for Joe Biden.

In the report, the LAA identified six tranches of potentially illegal votes and determined after their review of the first three that there were more than 12,000 illegal ballots counted in the 2020 election. 

We have identified six tranches of illegal ballots.

Tranche 1: Early and Absentee Ballots Cast In the Names of Voters (EABCINV) registered illegally.
Tranche 2: EABCINV matched to permanent, out-of-state moves in the National Change of
Address Database (NCOA). At the time we processed this match in mid-November, the database
contained records as recent as October 1, 2020 to as far back as three years prior (October 1,
Tranche 3: EABCINV matched to Out of State Subsequent Registrations (OOSSR) using our
national voter database (NVD). In these cases, the voter had registered in Georgia and matched
to voters subsequently registered in another state.
Tranche 4: Election Day Ballots Cast In the Names of Voters (EDBCINV) registered illegally.
Tranche 5: EDBCINV matched to the NCOA and OOSSR.
Tranche 6: Unmatchable Invalid Residencies Among EABCINV and EDBCINV

Due to the limitations of time, budget, and the inability to access necessary government databases, the
VIP could only analyze the first three tranches.

The full report showed the following conclusion:

As the LAA notes in its report, they identified more illegal votes than the margin of victory in the 2020 General Election in Georgia.

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