

CNN’s Brian Stelter Is Attempting To Cover Up Gov Andrew Cuomo’s Nursing Home Scandal

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A bombshell scandal broke last week as a top aide confessed that Governor Andrew Cuomo’s lied about the actual COVID-19 death toll in the state’s nursing homes.

But you wouldn’t know this if you only watched CNN.

CNN’s favorite media host, Brian Stelter, completely ignored the bombshell Cuomo scandal.

Not even a single mention of it. Not one. One of the biggest scandals in the country and CNN couldn’t be bothered to talk about it.

CNN’s in-house media pundit Brian Stelter continued to protect embattled New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo over the weekend, ignoring the latest bombshell on the Democratic governor’s growing nursing home scandal during his “Reliable Sources” program on Sunday.

A top Cuomo aide told leading state Democratic lawmakers that the administration had withheld data on COVID-19 deaths at nursing homes to avoid federal scrutiny, according to a damning New York Post report released last week.

The revelation prompted condemnations and even talk of impeachment in Albany, the state’s capital. Rep. Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y., urged the Department of Justice to launch an obstruction of justice investigation – but the CNN anchor didn’t deem it newsworthy enough to mention on his show.

A search of transcripts found that the words “nursing homes” and “Andrew Cuomo” weren’t uttered once on Sunday during the 11 a.m hour on CNN. MSNBC’s Sunday shows appeared to ignore the developing scandal as well, devoting airtime instead to the aftermath of former President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial and acquittal.

Both networks showered the New York Democrat with glowing praise early on for his handling of the pandemic, largely ignoring his directive for nursing homes to accept patients who had or were suspected of having COVID-19. The decision created an onslaught of COVID-19 cases that infected thousands of elderly patients and resulted in thousands of deaths among the state’s most vulnerable population.

If there were anyone Steleter should have criticized, it was Gov Cuomo’s own brother on CNN:

The governor’s younger brother Chris Cuomo was widely ridiculed for avoiding tough questions surrounding the nursing home scandal early on in the pandemic. The CNN anchor finally mentioned the controversy to his brother after ignoring it during at least 10 on-air interviews, but Cuomo quickly pointed to how there were nursing home deaths “all across the country” and said “we have to figure out how to do it better the next time” before the next virus wave occurs.

But Stelter couldn’t be bothered to criticize a host on his own network or even the governor of New York who covered up the thousands of deaths that his own policies were responsible for. This is the same man who salaciously reported every single little negative piece of Trump news over the last four years.

I know you’re probably tired of seeing stories about the gross double standard in the media, but this cover-up story is freaking huge. And given that Stelter and Fredo have both lavished praise on the nursing home killer, their participation in covering up this scandal is egregious.

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