

President Trump Just Claimed A MASSIVE VICTORY Over Planned Parenthood!

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Planned Parenthood announced Monday afternoon that all of its clinics will abandon the Title X federal program designed to provide low-income women with birth control.

The abortion provider’s announcement came with a boilerplate warning that those “struggling to make ends meet” might face difficult in getting the “care” they need.

In this case “care” is very likely a euphemism for abortion.

The abortion provider’s decision is in response to a rule Trump’s Department of Health and Human Services issued in February.

The rule states that “none of the funds appropriated for Title X may be used in programs where abortion is a method of family planning.”

That rule effectively restricted any clinic that received Title X funds from performing abortions, save in cases where the life of the mother is in danger.

While pro-abortion advocates have called the measure a “gag rule,” pro-life advocates note that the rule simply closes a loophole that’s been used to exploit Title X.

Title X funds were never authorized to fund abortions. The funds have always been intended for wellness checks, STD screenings, and other non-abortion related services.

The fact that Title X provides funds for those services, however, means that abortion providers can divert their own, non-governmental funds, from those programs and straight to abortion programs.

Via WesternJournal

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