

A California Student Completely DISRESPECTED a Boy By Ripping Off His MAGA Hat – And Then He Slapped His Teacher!

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“A Union Mine High School student is facing battery charges after an altercation in her classroom over a Donald Trump ‘Make America Great Again’ campaign hat,” Sacramento’s CBS 13 reports.

From The Daily Wire:

The student’s mid-class meltdown was caught on a cell phone video (see below), which shows the male teacher struggling to separate the irate 17-year-old senior from her Trump-supporting classmate after she grabbed the hat, which she decried as “a racist and hateful symbol.”

Police say she now faces two counts of battery: the first against her male classmate and the second against her teacher, whom she allegedly slapped. The school has also given her a week suspension.

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The MAGA hat-snatching student has defended her actions, describing them as an expression of her political views. She told CBS 13 she hoped that her actions would “maybe just wake people up in some type of way, because it’s not cool the environment our classroom is in.”

What she meant by the “environment our classroom is in” is not clear. The school’s policy, CBS 13 reports, allows students to wear clothing supporting political candidates.

Her father says while he doesn’t agree with the way his daughter handled the situation, he does think that “the issue” — by which he apparently meant students showing their support for the president — needs to be brought up.

“I don’t agree with grabbing someone’s hat and verbally talking to them in that way,” her father said. “But as far as the issue being brought up, maybe this is something that needs to be brought up.”


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