

Laura Ingraham Gets a HUGE Win After Retailers Pull Their Ads From Her Show – David Hogg is FURIOUS!

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“The Ingraham Angle,” whose eponymous host returned from a pre-planned Easter vacation that just happened to coincide with Parkland survivor David Hogg’s calls for advertisers to boycott her show, racked up an average of 2.69 million viewers during its first week back on the air.

From Conservative Tribune:

Ingraham’s pre-planned vacation was somewhat unfortunately timed, as it came after she had made a controversial joke at the expense of Parkland survivor and anti-gun activist David Hogg and his rejection from certain universities.

Hogg rejected Ingraham’s apology and instead decided, with the help of liberal activist group Media Matters for America, to insist advertisers boycott her show in an attempt to drive her off the air.

According to The Daily Caller, while several advertisers did pull out, there wasn’t the kind of defection that would have precipitated Ingraham’s firing. One advertiser in particular — My Pillow — made it clear they weren’t going anywhere.

And one advertiser who said it was going to pull their advertising, Ace Hardware, was still airing commercials on Ingraham’s show upon her return.


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