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KKK: ‘She’s Our Candidate,’ Donates $20,000 To Clinton Campaign

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Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign ran an ad Thursday that suggested Republican nominee Donald Trump had the support of the Klu Klux Klan, but it was not that long ago that the KKK alleged that they donated $20,000 to Clinton’s campaign.

The Clinton ad starts with a KKK member fully clothed in KKK gear saying why he supports Trump.

“The reason a lot of Klan members like Donald Trump is because a lot of what he believes, we believe in. Donald Trump would be best for the job,” the KKK member says.

The video also features the former KKK Grand Wizard, David Duke, who claims that not voting for Trump would be a “treason to your heritage.”

Though Clinton allegedly isn’t without her own support from white supremacists.

In April, a KKK leader alleged that the group donated $20,000 to the Clinton campaign, according to Vocativ. Will Quigg,a Grand Dragon from a California KKK branch, told Vocativ that he and other KKK members had raised money for Clinton and then donated it anonymously.

“All the stuff she’s saying now, she’s saying so she can get into office, okay? She doesn’t care about illegal immigrants—she’s acting like she does so she can get into office. Once she’s in office, then she’ll implement her policies. She’s a Democrat. The Klan has always been a Democratic organization,” Quigg said.

The Clinton campaign flatly denied receiving money from the Klan, saying that they denounced the Klan’s agenda.

(via: Daily Caller)

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